Settings disappear when running poller.php

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Settings disappear when running poller.php

Post by Bratell »

I have the stangest of problems. Whenever the poller.php is run, three settings in the webadmin are blanked. The settings are in the paths to required tools:

1. snmpget Binary Path
2. RRDTool Binary Path
3. PHP Binary Path

Note, the first path, the one to snmpwalk Binary Path is not blanked out, just the three following it.

Furthermore, in this phase the graphs are unable to generate. When I fill the paths back in and hit Save, everything works again. That is, until the poller.php is run 4 minutes and 30 seconds later. :)

So, I though, somehow poller.php is erasing those three little settings in the cacti databse. For whatever reason. So, I looked in the database to confirm. Turned out the settings were not erased from the database at all.

Strange, eh?

I wen't to another computer and logged in to the cacti webadmin. The settings were still empty. I guess something is preventing cacti from getting those settings correctly after poller.php is run. Does anyone have a clue on this? I've run out of ideas.

I'm using:

Debian stable (Woody)
MySQL 4.1.7
Cacti 0.8.6c (I've also tried 0.8.6b)
Opera 7 (also tried Internet Explorer 6)
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Post by rony »


Ok, after a polling cycle runs, run the following query and post the results.

Code: Select all

select * from settings;
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Post by Bratell »

rony wrote:???

Ok, after a polling cycle runs, run the following query and post the results.

Code: Select all

select * from settings;
Sure, I'll even include a little picture. :)

Code: Select all

mysql> select * from settings;
| name            | value                        |
| path_rrdtool    | /usr/bin/rrdtool             |
| path_php_binary | /usr/bin/php                 |
| path_snmpwalk   | /usr/bin/snmpwalk            |
| path_snmpget    | /usr/bin/snmpget             |
| path_cactilog   | /var/www/cacti/log/cacti.log |
| snmp_version    | net-snmp                     |
| path_webroot    | /var/www/cacti               |
| date            | 2005-03-22 21:45:01          |
| path_cactid     |                              |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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Post by rony »

Um, wow........

You are missing a lot....

Code: Select all

mysql> select * from settings;
| name                           | value                          |
| path_webroot                   | /usr/local/cacti               |
| path_rrdtool                   | /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool |
| path_php_binary                | /usr/bin/php                   |
| path_snmpwalk                  | /usr/bin/snmpwalk              |
| path_snmpget                   | /usr/bin/snmpget               |
| path_cactilog                  | /usr/local/cacti/log/cacti.log |
| snmp_version                   | net-snmp                       |
| date                           | 2005-03-22 15:00:24            |
| log_destination                | 1                              |
| log_snmp                       |                                |
| log_graph                      |                                |
| log_export                     |                                |
| log_verbosity                  | 2                              |
| log_pstats                     | on                             |
| log_pwarn                      | on                             |
| log_perror                     | on                             |
| snmp_ver                       | 1                              |
| snmp_community                 | public                         |
| snmp_username                  |                                |
| snmp_password                  |                                |
| snmp_timeout                   | 2000                           |
| snmp_port                      | 161                            |
| snmp_retries                   | 3                              |
| remove_verification            | on                             |
| poller_enabled                 | on                             |
| poller_type                    | 2                              |
| concurrent_processes           | 2                              |
| max_threads                    | 2                              |
| availability_method            | 2                              |
| ping_method                    | 2                              |
| ping_timeout                   | 400                            |
| ping_retries                   | 1                              |
| ping_failure_count             | 2                              |
| ping_recovery_count            | 3                              |
| path_cactid                    | /usr/local/cactid/bin/cactid   |
| num_rows_graph                 | 30                             |
| max_title_graph                | 100                            |
| max_data_query_field_length    | 30                             |
| max_data_query_javascript_rows | 96                             |
| num_rows_data_source           | 30                             |
| max_title_data_source          | 45                             |
| num_rows_device                | 30                             |
42 rows in set (0.00 sec)
Do me a favor.... Run the following command while in the cacti database:

Code: Select all

repair table settings;
And post the results.
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
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Post by Bratell »

Code: Select all

mysql> repair table settings;
| Table          | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text |
| cacti.settings | repair | status   | OK       |
1 row in set (0.09 sec)
When I go to the different tabs in settings and press Save, those settings are also added to the settings table. Maybe I should try focusing on the database though.[/quote]
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Post by rony »

Focus on the database, but also, redownload the source and reinstall the source over you installation. Maybe a file is corrupted.. I don't know.
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]With age comes wisdom, what you choose to do with it determines whether or not you are wise.[/i][/size]
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Post by Bratell »

I've setup cacti the same way as I did before, with the exception of running the cacti database on another mysql-server. Now it works just great.

Strange behaviour, but whatever caused it, it was related to something in the local mysql-server. I'll have to look into that.

Thanks for the feedback Rony!
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