absolute, counter,....

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absolute, counter,....

Post by solarix »

I am counting sms messages from a smsc.
The count is incrementing from 00:00 to 23:59 and is reset to zero at midnight daily. I want to graph the TOTAL real number of messages for this 24 hour period. The graph should start at 0 every midnight and slowly increase to the final peak at the following midnight. Is possible to get cacti / rrd to do? I think it is the absolute, counter derive, guage setting but I can not figure out which one it needs to be to get the real numbers not averages.


// Jerry
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Post by raX »

If you want the total number of messages received in a 24 hour period (since the last counter reset), use a GUAGE value. The only downside is that the value will reset once the counter overflows.

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