wrote:If i was you, if would start from scratch. When a plugin is uninstalled, the tables are normally removed. If it was just disabled, it would not remove the tables.
It also seems you have corruption at the MySQL level since it doesnt like something in its files. My advice, remove the raw DB files and the DB from MySQL configuration, then follow the install steps and start over.
thanks netinV,
i'm not sure what you mean by remove raw db files but i did a DROP TABLE syslog; and re-nstalled syslog plugin.
i left all the options as default on the upgrade screen, not sure if this is correct or not.
but when the plugin was installed i got these error messages in the log.
any further help greatly appreciated
16/08/2018 03:54:15 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog` (logtime, priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message) SELECT TIMESTAMP(`date`, `time`), priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message FROM (SELECT date, time, priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message FROM syslog_incoming AS si INNER JOIN syslog_facilities AS sf ON sf.facility=si.facility INNER JOIN syslog_priorities AS sp ON sp.priority=si.priority INNER JOIN syslog_hosts AS sh ON WHERE status=120) AS merge'
16/08/2018 03:54:15 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"DELETE FROM `syslog`.`syslog_removed` WHERE logtime < '2018-07-17''
16/08/2018 03:54:15 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"DELETE FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE logtime < '2018-07-17''
16/08/2018 03:54:15 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Row Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SHOW CREATE TABLE `syslog`.`syslog`"
16/08/2018 03:53:54 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Row Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SHOW COLUMNS FROM `syslog`.`syslog` LIKE 'time'"
16/08/2018 03:53:54 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Row Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SHOW COLUMNS FROM `syslog`.`syslog` LIKE 'time'"
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Row Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SHOW COLUMNS FROM `syslog`.`syslog` LIKE 'time'"
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"CREATE TABLE `syslog`.`syslog_removed` LIKE `syslog`.`syslog`'
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"ALTER TABLE `syslog`.`syslog` DROP COLUMN `date`, DROP COLUMN `time`, DROP COLUMN `host`, DROP COLUMN `facility`, DROP COLUMN `priority`'
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=9 WHERE priority='other''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=8 WHERE priority='debug''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=7 WHERE priority='info''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=6 WHERE priority='notice''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=5 WHERE priority='warn''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=4 WHERE priority='err''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=3 WHERE priority='alert''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=2 WHERE priority='crit''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET priority_id=1 WHERE priority='emerg''
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"UPDATE `syslog`.`syslog` SET logtime=TIMESTAMP(`date`, `time`)'
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"ALTER TABLE `syslog`.`syslog` MODIFY COLUMN message varchar(1024) DEFAULT NULL, ADD COLUMN facility_id int(10) UNSIGNED NULL AFTER facility, ADD COLUMN priority_id int(10) UNSIGNED NULL AFTER facility_id, ADD COLUMN host_id int(10) UNSIGNED NULL AFTER priority_id, ADD COLUMN logtime DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' AFTER priority, ADD INDEX facility_id (facility_id), ADD INDEX priority_id (priority_id), ADD INDEX host_id (host_id), ADD INDEX logtime(logtime);'
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog_host_facilities` (host_id, facility_id) SELECT host_id, facility_id FROM ((SELECT DISTINCT host, facility FROM `syslog`.`syslog`) AS s INNER JOIN `syslog`.`syslog_hosts` AS sh ON INNER JOIN `syslog`.`syslog_facilities` AS sf ON sf.facility=s.facility)'
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog_facilities` (facility) SELECT DISTINCT facility FROM `syslog`.`syslog`'
16/08/2018 03:53:49 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog_hosts` (host) SELECT DISTINCT host FROM `syslog`.`syslog`'
16/08/2018 03:53:48 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `syslog`.`syslog_removed` LIKE `syslog`.`syslog`'
doing a show tables; in mysql, it showed a number of syslog tables so i dropped them all.
ran the installation again and now getting these errors but it doesn't show any syslog tables anymore in db.
16/08/2018 04:42:15 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"INSERT INTO `syslog`.`syslog` (logtime, priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message) SELECT TIMESTAMP(`date`, `time`), priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message FROM (SELECT date, time, priority_id, facility_id, host_id, message FROM syslog_incoming AS si INNER JOIN syslog_facilities AS sf ON sf.facility=si.facility INNER JOIN syslog_priorities AS sp ON sp.priority=si.priority INNER JOIN syslog_hosts AS sh ON WHERE status=91) AS merge'
16/08/2018 04:42:15 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1146', SQL:"DELETE FROM `syslog`.`syslog_removed` WHERE logtime < '2018-07-17''
16/08/2018 04:42:15 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: A DB Exec Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"DELETE FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE logtime < '2018-07-17''
16/08/2018 04:42:15 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Row Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SHOW CREATE TABLE `syslog`.`syslog`"
16/08/2018 04:40:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Cell Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SELECT count(*) FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE host_id IN('1') AND logtime BETWEEN '2018-08-16 16:10' AND '2018-08-16 16:40'"
16/08/2018 04:40:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SELECT *, 'main' AS mtype FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE host_id IN('1') AND logtime BETWEEN '2018-08-16 16:10' AND '2018-08-16 16:40' ORDER BY logtime DESC LIMIT 0,30"
16/08/2018 04:40:19 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Row Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SHOW COLUMNS FROM `syslog`.`syslog` LIKE 'time'"
16/08/2018 04:40:18 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Cell Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SELECT count(*) FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE logtime BETWEEN '2018-08-16 16:10' AND '2018-08-16 16:40'"
16/08/2018 04:40:18 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SELECT *, 'main' AS mtype FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE logtime BETWEEN '2018-08-16 16:10' AND '2018-08-16 16:40' ORDER BY logtime DESC LIMIT 0,30"
16/08/2018 04:40:18 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Row Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SHOW COLUMNS FROM `syslog`.`syslog` LIKE 'time'"
16/08/2018 04:40:16 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Cell Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SELECT count(*) FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE host_id IN('1') AND logtime BETWEEN '2018-08-16 16:10' AND '2018-08-16 16:40'"
16/08/2018 04:40:16 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SELECT *, 'main' AS mtype FROM `syslog`.`syslog` WHERE host_id IN('1') AND logtime BETWEEN '2018-08-16 16:10' AND '2018-08-16 16:40' ORDER BY logtime DESC LIMIT 0,30"
16/08/2018 04:40:16 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Row Failed!, Error:'1105', SQL:"SHOW COLUMNS FROM `syslog`.`syslog` LIKE 'time'"
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_cacti |
| cdef |
| cdef_items |
| colors |
| data_input |
| data_input_data |
| data_input_fields |
| data_local |
| data_source_stats_daily |
| data_source_stats_hourly |
| data_source_stats_hourly_cache |
| data_source_stats_hourly_last |
| data_source_stats_monthly |
| data_source_stats_weekly |
| data_source_stats_yearly |
| data_template |
| data_template_data |
| data_template_data_rra |
| data_template_rrd |
| graph_local |
| graph_template_input |
| graph_template_input_defs |
| graph_templates |
| graph_templates_gprint |
| graph_templates_graph |
| graph_templates_item |
| graph_tree |
| graph_tree_items |
| host |
| host_graph |
| host_snmp_cache |
| host_snmp_query |
| host_template |
| host_template_graph |
| host_template_snmp_query |
| hostgroup |
| hostgroup_host |
| mac_track_aggregated_ports |
| mac_track_approved_macs |
| mac_track_device_types |
| mac_track_devices |
| mac_track_interface_graphs |
| mac_track_interfaces |
| mac_track_ip_ranges |
| mac_track_ips |
| mac_track_macauth |
| mac_track_macwatch |
| mac_track_oui_database |
| mac_track_ports |
| mac_track_processes |
| mac_track_scan_dates |
| mac_track_scanning_functions |
| mac_track_sites |
| mac_track_snmp |
| mac_track_snmp_items |
| mac_track_temp_ports |
| mac_track_vlans |
| plugin_aggregate_color_template_items |
| plugin_aggregate_color_templates |
| plugin_aggregate_graph_templates |
| plugin_aggregate_graph_templates_item |
| plugin_aggregate_graphs |
| plugin_aggregate_graphs_graph_item |
| plugin_aggregate_graphs_items |
| plugin_autom8_graph_rule_items |
| plugin_autom8_graph_rules |
| plugin_autom8_match_rule_items |
| plugin_autom8_report_rule_items |
| plugin_autom8_report_rules |
| plugin_autom8_thold_rule_items |
| plugin_autom8_thold_rules |
| plugin_autom8_tree_rule_items |
| plugin_autom8_tree_rules |
| plugin_cfgmng |
| plugin_cfgmng_basis |
| plugin_cfgmng_data |
| plugin_cfgmng_trap |
| plugin_config |
| plugin_configstore_accounts |
| plugin_configstore_archive |
| plugin_configstore_backups |
| plugin_configstore_device_types |
| plugin_configstore_devices |
| plugin_configstore_sites |
| plugin_configstore_templates |
| plugin_db_changes |
| plugin_discover_hosts |
| plugin_discover_template |
| plugin_dpdiscover_hosts |
| plugin_dpdiscover_template |
| plugin_flowview_devices |
| plugin_flowview_dnscache |
| plugin_flowview_ports |
| plugin_flowview_queries |
| plugin_flowview_schedules |
| plugin_hmib_hrDevices |
| plugin_hmib_hrProcessor |
| plugin_hmib_hrSWInstalled |
| plugin_hmib_hrSWRun |
| plugin_hmib_hrSWRun_ignore |
| plugin_hmib_hrSWRun_last_seen |
| plugin_hmib_hrStorage |
| plugin_hmib_hrSystem |
| plugin_hmib_hrSystemTypes |
| plugin_hmib_processes |
| plugin_hmib_types |
| plugin_hooks |
| plugin_mURLin_cache |
| plugin_mURLin_index |
| plugin_maint_hosts |
| plugin_maint_schedules |
| plugin_nectar |
| plugin_nectar_items |
| plugin_notification_lists |
| plugin_realms |
| plugin_routerconfigs_accounts |
| plugin_routerconfigs_backups |
| plugin_routerconfigs_devices |
| plugin_routerconfigs_devicetypes |
| plugin_thold_contacts |
| plugin_thold_host_failed |
| plugin_thold_log |
| plugin_thold_template_contact |
| plugin_thold_threshold_contact |
| poller |
| poller_command |
| poller_item |
| poller_output |
| poller_output_boost |
| poller_output_boost_processes |
| poller_output_rt |
| poller_reindex |
| poller_time |
| reportit_cache_measurands |
| reportit_cache_reports |
| reportit_cache_variables |
| reportit_data_items |
| reportit_data_source_items |
| reportit_measurands |
| reportit_presets |
| reportit_recipients |
| reportit_reports |
| reportit_results_1 |
| reportit_results_2 |
| reportit_results_4 |
| reportit_rvars |
| reportit_templates |
| reportit_variables |
| rra |
| rra_cf |
| settings |
| settings_graphs |
| settings_tree |
| snmp_query |
| snmp_query_graph |
| snmp_query_graph_rrd |
| snmp_query_graph_rrd_sv |
| snmp_query_graph_sv |
| superlinks_auth |
| superlinks_pages |
| thold_data |
| thold_template |
| user_auth |
| user_auth_perms |
| user_auth_realm |
| user_log |
| version |
| weathermap_auth |
| weathermap_data |
| weathermap_groups |
| weathermap_maps |
| weathermap_settings |
171 rows in set (0.00 sec)