Installed WM 0.98 from 2016 (This is to generate and modify base html file from the editor, WM 1.0 dev editor mixes up links)
On this probably I am wrong, but instead of the editor, seems that is the map generator that has some imperfections:
- I can confirm that an additional html and png files are generated in the WM directory with the weathermap_maps filenames chosen, along with the /output/ hash file name html and png files
- the html file generated in in the WM directory have a wrong reference for the background image and the mouseover picture is not working
- consider I use the same file created from 0.98 WM and generating a map from 1.00 dev I see the following (below)
This is from the html file generated in the WM directory and with the chosen filename: it has no filename
<img id="wmapimage"
src="" width="800" height="600" border="0" usemap="#weathermap_c062a15641bfa990d124_imap" />
This is from the html file in the output directory, it has an img reference to the base cacti url but must be something you didn't implement yet:
<img id="wmapimage"
src="weathermap-cacti10-plugin.php?action=viewimage&id=c062a15641bfa990d124&time=1525212243" width="800" height="600" border="0" usemap="#weathermap_c062a15641bfa990d124_imap" />
Also, I checked into the extra output files thing:
If you specify HTMLOUTPUTFILE, IMAGEOUTPUTFILE and IMAGEURI, then after the poller has created the usual files, it will copy to those files too, and use the IMAGEURI in the <img> tag for the second copy. The paths must be writable by the poller. If you don't specify a full path, it will try to write to the plugins/weathermap directory. This is in at least 1.x github and 0.98a (so probably also 0.98 - I didn't check).
That should save you some HTML file editing, and the cron job.
HTMLOUTPUTFILE and IMAGEOUTPUTFILE are defined in my test map, not IMAGEURI...I am unsure how this one works considering the earlier entry of this post
(img src="") would IMAGEURI help in that case? I read the manual entry for this and I have some doubts how to use it, I am deeply sorry to ask maybe for an example?
Most recent github push should work better for poller_output. Firstly it doesn't have the crash you mentioned. I also found another one (if it's enabled and you use the CLI version, it cleanly ignores you now), and also another unrelated rendering bug.
Good news ! I can confirm it works.
This means that I can plan to move some map generation in production, and eventually give you in time some more info in case something pops up.
(keeping my fingers crossed, but I honestly believe that the way you proceed with your project is to have a careful approach, so I am not expecting any disaster).
PS : I forgot to ask if there is any way that the page refresh setting can be modified in the editor and if there is a chance to customize the style and page of the generated map...suggest by editing the html file manually?
PS2: The logging settings of WM in Cacti 1.x could be set to show the STATS and not the WARNING ? currently looks to be ALL or nothing if I set the
Quiet Logging to
Thanks again