Installed using the walk-through here: ... on-ubuntu/ (I think this is important as I am unsure if there is something missing here that I am unaware of).
Ubuntu 16.04.4
Apache2 (2017-09-18T15:09:02)
MariaDB (MySQL - Confused on this part as I followed the tutorial, but not very familiar with MariaDB or if it makes a difference, though I will say it doesn't seem at all related to my issues).
PHP 7.0
I got everything configured, devices/graphs created, etc.
When I try to view a graph, I get the error: ERROR: Opening '/var/www/html/rra/switch01.rrd' No such file or directory.
Poking around, I saw a few things.
1.) My Main Poller status was sitting at Status 'Unknown/Down'. I ran poller.php and this status changed to Running. In my logs, I see where it says it is creating the graphs:
Code: Select all
2018/02/25 22:37:22 - WEBLOG CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool graph - --imgformat=PNG --start='-86400' --end='-300' --pango-markup --title='switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72' --vertical-label='bits per second' --slope-mode --base=1000 --height=200 --width=700 --rigid --alt-autoscale-max --lower-limit='0' --color BACK#F3F3F3 --color CANVAS#FDFDFD --color SHADEA#CBCBCB --color SHADEB#999999 --color FONT#000000 --color AXIS#2C4D43 --color ARROW#2C4D43 --color FRAME#2C4D43 --border 1 --font TITLE:11:'Arial' --font AXIS:8:'Arial' --font LEGEND:8:'Courier' --font UNIT:8:'Arial' --font WATERMARK:6:'Arial' --slope-mode --watermark 'Generated by Cacti®' DEF:a='/var/www/html/rra/switch01_traffic_in_6.rrd' Graphs[switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72, switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72]DS[switch01 - Traffic - gi1/24]:'traffic_in':MAX DEF:b='/var/www/html/rra/switch01_traffic_in_6.rrd' Graphs[switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72, switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72]DS[switch01 - Traffic - gi1/24]:'traffic_in':AVERAGE DEF:c='/var/www/html/rra/switch01_traffic_in_6.rrd' Graphs[switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72, switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72]DS[switch01 - Traffic - gi1/24]:'traffic_out':MAX DEF:d='/var/www/html/rra/switch01_traffic_in_6.rrd' Graphs[switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72, switch01 - Traffic - gigabitethernet1/24/72]DS[switch01 - Traffic - gi1/24]:'traffic_out':AVERAGE CDEF:cdefa='a,8,*' CDEF:cdefb='b,8,*' CDEF:cdeff='c,8,*' CDEF:cdefg='d,8,*' LINE1:cdefa#00CF00FF:'' AREA:cdefb#00CF007F:'Inbound ' GPRINT:cdefb:LAST:'Current\:%8.2lf %s' GPRINT:cdefb:AVERAGE:'Average\:%8.2lf %s' GPRINT:cdefb:MAX:'Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n' LINE1:cdeff#002A97FF:'' AREA:cdefg#002A977F:'Outbound' GPRINT:cdefg:LAST:'Current\:%8.2lf %s' GPRINT:cdefg:AVERAGE:'Average\:%8.2lf %s' GPRINT:cdefg:MAX:'Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n'
When I checked again, I get the same message for the graph. Checked the rra directory and there is nothing there! (Obviously this is the problem with why my graphs are not showing).
2.) I am not sure where to view or set the poller logs (are they different than Settings->General->Generic Log Level)? When I view Cacti log, I don't see any real messages other than what I see in the log tab on the web interface (just more of the above and mainly good things - no errors to speak of).
3.) After a little while, the poller eventually went back to Status "Unknown/Down"
Can anyone shed any light on this? I have tried to debug and search the web for hours now and have come up with a whole lot of nothing, or actually a whole lot of everything that just doesn't seem relevant to my situation. Thanks!