i had already tried with the direct TARGET to a rrd but it doesn't work
do i have to modify howie's weatherscript like following to get it work?
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use lib qw(/usr/local/rrdtool-1.0.49/lib/perl);
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use lib qw(/usr/local/rrdtool-1.0.49/lib/perl);
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use lib qw(/usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/mach);
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grep -v OVERLIBGRAPH weathermap.conf | grep -v INFOURL > weathermap-clean.conf
Google Imagesyliad wrote:stupid question, i know, but where do i find the best maps (world or country) for creating network weathermaps
If you specify a BACKGROUND image in the weathermap.conf, and it doesn't exist, or isn't a valid PNG file, I think you get this message.netana wrote: Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at C:/Perl/site/lib/GD.pm line 175, <CONF> line 97.
I found this one too, when I was looking around for somethingmgb wrote:The extra's this version has is that you're able to see the amount of errors per link and also a black arrow when the link is down. I couldn't find the software though. The site housing the script does not exist anymore.
Yes, I have a mostly-working PHP version. My intention is to try and make a web-based editor for the maps using imagemaps and the PHP version. I have the next week off, so maybe now is the time to try and make itmgb wrote: Great work your scripts. Are you making a PHP version. It would be great if we could add this to cacti itself with a decent user interface.
I've also added the icon part as extra to your source. Could you make that permanent to your code? The ICON part still has some flaws.
Code: Select all
print "<br><br>";
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if (!isset($_GET["leaf_id"])) {
print "<IMG SRC=\"weathermap/weathermap.png\" WIDTH=800 HEIGHT=363 BORDER=0>"; }
Did you get source for the Indiana one? or do you mean the output is similar? For what it's worth, I have a PHP port of grnet's (wit some of my additions) which I guess would be 'clean' if it's the code you mean. I didn't bother going through the hoops to get the IU source code, so I don't know about that. When I started looking around for weathermap code originally, I got the impression that the licensing of the IU code is the reason why there are so many different similar ones - no-one wanted to work on the non-GPL version - that's purely my impression, not a fact though!pmos wrote:http://netmon.grnet.gr/weathermap/ says the code is GPLd.
Does anyone have any info about this?
(Or did I miss something...)
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