Downed/recovered host event in logs but no email alert sent

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Downed/recovered host event in logs but no email alert sent

Post by Glenp42 »

Hi All,

I have a Cacti 0.8.8f w spine on Ubuntu 16.04 that has been running well and providing host down/recovered alerts flawlessly.

Recently it's stopped generating the email events for the down/recovered hosts.
I have received an email trigger for a CPU threshold event on Saturday night so I'm unsure if the thold portion is still working and it only affecting down/up events.

It was using the global list but have set up a test switch with a separate notification list so as not to annoy my team.

-- checked node is on the correct notification list
-- have tried turning off/on legacy notifications
-- test email to my mail server is OK
-- have tried switching from SMTP to Sendmail with no change so am confident the smtp/mail backend is OK.
-- logs show the host event down/recovered alerts triggered as I test to a host by removing snmp access, but no email.
-- mysqlcheck shows cacti dB tables OK

While I've been watching the logs closely I have noticed some errors pop up every so often that are odd.
-- excerpt --
11/23/2016 08:35:10 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] WARNING: SQL Failed! Error:'2006', Message:'MySQL server has gone away', Attempting to Reconnect
11/23/2016 08:35:10 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] WARNING: SQL Failed! Error:'2006', Message:'MySQL server has gone away', Attempting to Reconnect
11/23/2016 08:35:10 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Failed! Error:'2013', Message:'Lost connection to MySQL server during query', SQL Fragment:'INSERT INTO poller_output_boost (local_data_id, rrd_name, time, output) VALUES (26597,'traffic_in','2016-11-23 08:35:00','7421792674834'),(26597,'traffic_out','2016-11-23 08:35:00','1356651504750'),(26598,'traffic_in','2016-11-23 08:35:00','26269732921'),(26598,'traffic_out','2016-11-23 08:35:00','278468313284'),(26599,'traffic_in','2016-11-23 08:35:00','22745451343'),(26599,'traffic_out','2016-11-23 08:35:00','146846733551'),(26600,'traffic_in','2016-11-23 08:35:00','37181951546'),(26600,'traffic_out','2016-11-23 08:35:00','298931064563'),(26601,'traffic_in','2016-11-23 08:35:00','25940652339'),(26601,'traffic_out','2016-11-23 08:35:00','256928093736'),(26602,'traffic_in','2016-11-23 08:35:00','127274125846'),(26602,'traffic_out','2016-11-23 08:35:00','1265316501708'),(26603,'traffic_in','2016-11-23 08:35:00','92741766927'),(26603,'traffic_out','2016-11-23 08:35:00','495333764724'),(26604,'traffic_in','2016-11-23 08:35:00','37089120128'),(26604,'traffic_out','2016-11-23 08:35:00','199135939316'),(26605,'tra'
11/23/2016 08:35:10 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] WARNING: SQL Failed! Error:'2006', Message:'MySQL server has gone away', Attempting to Reconnect
11/23/2016 08:35:11 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] ERROR: Spine Timed Out While Processing Hosts Internal
11/23/2016 08:35:11 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] ERROR: Spine Timed Out While Processing Hosts Internal

The SQL server is online and responding fine, so I find that a bit strange.

I've been through the forums and googled but I can't find anything that helps further than what I have done already.

Does anyone have any pointers?


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Re: Downed/recovered host event in logs but no email alert s

Post by Glenp42 »


Neglected to mention I'm using thold plugin 0.6b4.

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Joined: Mon May 09, 2016 1:21 am

Re: Downed/recovered host event in logs but no email alert s

Post by Glenp42 »

Hey all

Any ideas will help.
I don't have 100% confidence in my Cacti to alert me to downed hosts and it's making me quite nervous.

Could this be a db issue?


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Joined: Mon May 09, 2016 1:21 am

Re: Downed/recovered host event in logs but no email alert s

Post by Glenp42 »


This seems to be caused by the maint plugin. I now have up/down emails back since the uninstall of this plugin even though my maintenance schedules were not associated with all of my hosts!

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