I'm trying to write XML SNMP Query for getting counters value for interfaces with "Description".
The algorithm is the next:
1. Get fields "Description".
snmpwalk -c public -v 2c -On host_ip .
. = STRING: "1/16"
. = STRING: "1/11"
. = STRING: "1/6/2"
. = STRING: "1/13/2"
2. Get "oid_suffix".
Replace from "Description" oids string "." (last ten octets)- then we get oid_suffix.
For example, for "1/13/2" we wil get:
3. Get counter value on oid = . + oid_suffix + .7.1 .
For example, for "1/13/2" it would be:
snmpwalk -c public -v 2c -On host_ip .
. = Gauge32: 2300720330
My XML SNMP Query draft:
Code: Select all
<description>Queries a traffic throw interface with Description</description>