Cool change to Graph Tree view I thought I'd share

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Cool change to Graph Tree view I thought I'd share

Post by useeria »

I have been making my Graph Tree names a bit long so I can be descriptive as possible. This was causing the names to be wrapped inside the side bar and looked ugly. So after doing some digging I found the WRAPTEXT = 1 setting in "html_tree.php" located in the lib folder. If you set this to WRAPTEXT = 0 then your Graph Tree names do not auto wrap and the rest of the page compensates and resizes. I bet this is probably common knowledge but I did search the entire forum and didn't see any other topics. So anyways I thought it looks much nicer this way so maybe if I can even help one person with this then I call that a success.


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Re: Cool change to Graph Tree view I thought I'd share

Post by kevinmorales »

Kevin Morales
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