Windows All-In-One Installer [Cacti 1.2.24] [Updated 2023-03-09]

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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8g] [Updated 2015-10-11]

Post by firehawk »

Yes, I have waited many days. Some time, the data will map, but often than not, the data won't. Here is what I am seeing.

1. When I add a new object, the first graph is missing (as I expected since it hasn't created it yet). After 5-10 minutes, a blank graph come up. After that, it doesn't matter how long I waited, the graph is always blank and either a "NaN" or "-1" values.

2. After a reboot, the graph may or may not fill in. Some time it does, but not always. When this happen, either everything start graphing or nothing is graphed (regardless if it is a new object or not).

3. On the day I managed to get it graphing, look at all the graph stop when the nightly mysql script run. I see a command prompt window with a short message indicating the mysql completed (can't recall what it said right now since I am home for Christmas). The only thing I can do with the mysql window is to close it. After, it is a hit or miss to get it to graph anything again. I had the newly installed Windows CACTI running for a month now and I think it was only able to graph something for less than 10 days.

4. I have given "everyone" full access to the c:\inetpub\wwwroot\cacti directory in case it was a permission thing. But no luck still.

Any idea?

Since I am home this week, I will try to install another instance of Windows CACTI 0.8.8g on my home server (Dell 610) running on a Windows Server 2012R2 Datacenter host within a Windows Server 2012R2 Standard VM on that host. This is slightly different from the setup I have at work which running on a suited up Dell laptop with Windows 8.1 host with a Windows Server 2012R2 Standard VM.
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8g] [Updated 2015-10-11]

Post by BSOD2600 »

as you're having problems with cacti and not the installer, please create a new thread.

follow the troubleshooting steps in and start a new thread with that info.
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-03-22]

Post by jnorton »

You might want to check the directory and file where this download is located. I am getting an antivirus alert from my firewall about the file Cacti-0.8.8h.exe. I am not getting it from any of the other files nor am I getting it from files in the Archive directory
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-03-22]

Post by jnorton »

I have a problem with this that just cropped up. I used the 8.8g installer and that worked fine. I had it working for a day adding devices and templates. Then suddenly the page I was working on went blank. I exited the browser and restarted the browser page. I got the Cacti logon page and logged in. I then got a generic IIS error page. I can't seem to get back in anymore. I've restarted IIS multiple times and rebooted the server to no avail. Anyone have any ideas?
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-03-22]

Post by BSOD2600 »

Whats the vendor for the firewall AV? It's a bit large to upload to virustotal to check ;)

Anything errors in the cacti.log?
did you also enable any plugins per chance? try removing them from the plugin folder and try Cacti again.
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by BSOD2600 »

Installer updated with 0.8.8h
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by satheesh »


I Installed the Cacti 0.8.8h in Windows 7 and after that I Unable to Login Cacti in first Login with credentials User ID: admin, Password: admin
could you kindly help on this. what exact credentials should I use in first login ?
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by BSOD2600 »

satheesh wrote:I Installed the Cacti 0.8.8h in Windows 7 and after that I Unable to Login Cacti in first Login with credentials User ID: admin, Password: admin
could you kindly help on this. what exact credentials should I use in first login ?
The randomly generated password that the installer told you about. Look for Cacti-Passwords.txt in the same directory as the installer.
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by erebusodora »

Cacti 0.8.8f - 0.8.8h not working with forwarding ports for monitor host. I use host templates for mikrotik. Example first mikrotik use public IP , second (ip- and third (ip- mikrotiks use IP from DHCP from mikrotik with public IP. When monitor mikrotik with public IP all is ok. Buth when second and third mikrotik is down (unplug the power) graphs (cpu e.t.c) is stop but in monitor tab cacti show no problem (router board is green).
Example: for monitorig second and third mikrotik i use this line in mikrotik with public ip:
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-port=246 protocol=udp to-addresses= to-ports=161
add action=dst-nat chain=dstnat dst-port=247 protocol=udp to-addresses= to-ports=161

I try to change "Downed Device Detection" to SNMp, ping, SNMP desc, SNMP getnext but nothing is cnange.
I guess cacti always ping or monitor ip (public) but not monitor forwarding ports from this ip.
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by Akura »

Good afternoon

My Boss gave me the task of installing and running cacti on my PC.
As you may think, this Installer was a pretty pleasant surprise for me as everything else didn't want to work.

However, after installing cacti and everything else, when I visit "https://localhost/cacti" as written in your guide, I get the error message: This site can’t be reached. localhost refused to connect. (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED)

BTW: I am trying to run cacti on a win 8.1 PC, I tried visiting localhost/cacti with and without proxy.

Sadly I am not capable of solving this issue (even though I think I should be), which is why I ask for your help.

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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by BSOD2600 »

please attach the installer log for me to review.
I hope this is only a PoC not intended for production....
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by jpasquie »

I have used the installer on a Windows Server 2012 R2 64bits.
The installation went well (I choose Apache). Then I successfully configured 2 devices and several graphs.
However, from time to time the web server get stuck : no response. I see that it sends an HTTP 500 error.
I have done several tests:
- install the latest version of Apache and configure cacti to use it : same problem
- install php 5.5 instead of 5.6 (because on ... figure_php I can see that "PHP 5.6 has known issues with Cacti 0.8.8, do NOT use." ) and configure cacti to use it : same problem
Looking at : I see that "x64 builds are currently experimental"
Maybe it would be better to user a 32bits version.
What do you think?
Is it possible for you to create an installer with PHP 5.5 and a choice between 32bits and 64 bits?
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by BSOD2600 »

The installer will use x86 only on a x86 system. you can certainly remove the x64 components and install/configure the x86 bits instead if you think it'll help.
When you run into the hangs, happen to be using a plugin?
any errors in the cacti, php, apache, or mysql error logs?
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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by Silviu »


I installed [cacti 0.8.8h] on Win7 and everthing went well.
But...when I add a new device I always get an error: <<SNMP error>> and I don't know what to do.
I didn't have any data.
Can you please tell me what shiuld I do?

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Re: Windows Installer [Cacti 0.8.8h] [Updated 2016-05-09]

Post by dalfaroc »


does someone have feedback about windows 10??

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