[INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Support questions about the Network Weather Map plugin

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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by Howie »

frostyritz wrote:anyone know if you can iframe to a realtime graph In the actual page without doing a mouse hover.

The image is static. You'd have to edit the HTML to make a div over the top of the actual weathermap image. There isn't a way to do that in the configuration. I've been thinking for a while that allowing you to include additional javascript in the html output might be useful, but it also makes it possible to break Cacti's web pages.

With that, you'd then be able to use js/jquery to insert additional stuff on the page. It would be a pain to maintain, if it changed regularly.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by frostyritz »

Ahhh yea thats exactly what i was thinking some thing todo with jquery

My reason is if were in an outage situation they like stats available / ready every 30 seconds to minute which would at least be a cool way to gather market stats and the Graph view of it just makes it a good view then i was iframe/embed some

first i thought maybe iframe this ... h_id=24741

But then i was thinking to get more creative with a realtime data not exactly this one but someting similar

though i did somethign like this to convert and go to png and then weathermap.

ifconfig | convert -background black -fill white \
-font Helvetica -pointsize 14 \
label:@- cmd.png

though what if i also did somehow build a gif would it show a gif image or is it purely static setup.

Thanks a bunch i did some Really cool stuff with it i did like a master market config and then a template config generator so it would query Graphs based on matches so i autocreated 40 weathermaps from a master template.
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by Howie »

frostyritz wrote:Ahhh yea thats exactly what i was thinking some thing todo with jquery

My reason is if were in an outage situation they like stats available / ready every 30 seconds to minute which would at least be a cool way to gather market stats and the Graph view of it just makes it a good view then i was iframe/embed some

first i thought maybe iframe this ... h_id=24741

But then i was thinking to get more creative with a realtime data not exactly this one but someting similar

though i did somethign like this to convert and go to png and then weathermap.

ifconfig | convert -background black -fill white \
-font Helvetica -pointsize 14 \
label:@- cmd.png

though what if i also did somehow build a gif would it show a gif image or is it purely static setup.

Thanks a bunch i did some Really cool stuff with it i did like a master market config and then a template config generator so it would query Graphs based on matches so i autocreated 40 weathermaps from a master template.
Please create a new topic for this....
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by aftershocks »

Anyone know how ikorzha758 made the "logout" button? That function looks unique...
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by skeffling »

One of my maps for an ISP, a simpler version for a screen on the wall, and as it's a wall screen we're not needing to show figures. Thanks Howie!
map.png (73.5 KiB) Viewed 15512 times
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by Howie »

skeffling wrote:One of my maps for an ISP, a simpler version for a screen on the wall, and as it's a wall screen we're not needing to show figures. Thanks Howie!
Oooh, you're the one person who uses ninks :-)
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by skeffling »

Heh! Our other map, which has much more detail, has over 25 ninks! They seem like a good way of showing in/out traffic in simple way. I'd like to be able to hide the bandwidth figures in a nink, but that's a question in another thread :-)
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by agarate »

Hi Guys, I'm new in weathermaps, I from Chile. Can You tell me how I can put ports in red or greed inside weathermaps... like ch3i...

Thank you SO Much folks...
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by ch3i »

agarate wrote:Hi Guys, I'm new in weathermaps, I from Chile. Can You tell me how I can put ports in red or greed inside weathermaps... like ch3i...

Thank you SO Much folks...
Hi, you have to use that syntax :

Code: Select all

ICON images/port_{node:this:inscaletag}.png
I use two pictures > one green for up state and one red for down state : port_1.png and port_2.png.
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by agarate »

ch3i wrote:
agarate wrote:Hi Guys, I'm new in weathermaps, I from Chile. Can You tell me how I can put ports in red or greed inside weathermaps... like ch3i...

Thank you SO Much folks...
Hi, you have to use that syntax :

Code: Select all

ICON images/port_{node:this:inscaletag}.png
I use two pictures > one green for up state and one red for down state : port_1.png and port_2.png.

Thank You, I will try :D :D
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by bboy8012 »

Here is a Map in progress for testing a script to create the overall layout.
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Re: my work net env

Post by fida408 »

tbaror wrote:our storage net map
thanks to all for the help to get all this maps works :-)
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by fida408 »

bboy8012 wrote:Here is a Map in progress for testing a script to create the overall layout.
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Post by fida408 »

GLR wrote:My home network : a pfSense firewall, a LAN with a WLAN, a DMZ, two remote sites connected via OpenVPN

(There is a little problem with the bandwidth usage on the WLAN link)
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Re: [INFO] Show off your Weathermaps.

Post by ruck »

ch3i wrote:Image
buenos dias,

He intentado de mil maneras hacer este gráfico en Weathermaps pero siempre me da algún error. he descargado sus códigos pero no muestra cambios en el puerto (up / down).

Estos son los logs que tengo hasta ahora:::

Code: Select all

11/01/2016 09:00:32 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] [Map 74] PUERTOSSW.conf: Wrote map to /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/output/52a297106d126b73a786.png and /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/output/52a297106d126b73a786.thumb.png
11/01/2016 09:00:32 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] [Map 74] PUERTOSSW.conf: About to write image file. If this is the last message in your log, increase memory_limit in php.ini [WMPOLL01]
11/01/2016 09:00:32 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] WARNING: [Map 74] PUERTOSSW.conf: ProcessTargets: NODE G8, target: gauge:/var/lib/cacti/rra/switch_8_traffic_in_1669.rrd:traffic_in:int_status:- on config line 144 of /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/configs/PUERTOSSW.conf was not recognised as a valid TARGET [WMWARN08]
11/01/2016 09:00:32 AM - WEATHERMAP: Poller[0] [Map 74] PUERTOSSW.conf: Map: /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/configs/PUERTOSSW.conf -> /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/output/52a297106d126b73a786.html & /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/output/52a297106d126b73a786.png

Estoy haciendo la prueba con un solo puerto (sin la imagen del switch). En lo que sea exitoso lo que quiero montare todo.


Code: Select all

# Automatically generated by php-weathermap v0.98

FONTDEFINE 98 /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/fonts/URSB.TTF 18
FONTDEFINE 101 /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/fonts/URSB.TTF 15
FONTDEFINE 102 /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/fonts/URSB.TTF 14
FONTDEFINE 103 /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/fonts/URSB.TTF 13
FONTDEFINE 104 /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/fonts/URSB.TTF 12
FONTDEFINE 105 /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/fonts/URSB.TTF 11
FONTDEFINE 106 /usr/share/cacti/site/plugins/weathermap/fonts/URSB.TTF 10

TITLE Infrastructure Map
HTMLOUTPUTFILE Infrastructure.html
TIMEPOS 1662 15 Created: %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S

KEYPOS DEFAULT 1695 966 Load %
KEYSTYLE  DEFAULT horizontal 158
KEYBGCOLOR 255 255 255
BGCOLOR 255 255 255

SCALE ifstatus 0    0.99 255 209  71  2
SCALE ifstatus 1    1      0 255   0  1
SCALE ifstatus 1.01 2    255 209  71  2

SET key_hidepercent_DEFAULT 1

# End of global section



# regular NODEs:
	INFOURL /cacti/graph.php?rra_id=all&local_graph_id=1586
	OVERLIBGRAPH /cacti/graph_image.php?rra_id=0&graph_nolegend=true&graph_height=100&graph_width=300&local_graph_id=1586
	ICON images/port_{node:this:inscaletag}.png
	TARGET gauge:/var/lib/cacti/rra/switch_8_traffic_in_1669.rrd:traffic_in:int_status:-
	USESCALE ifstatus in percent
	POSITION 110 275

# regular LINKs:

# That's All Folks!

Auxilio por favor.....
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