Time:19.6218 Method:spine Processes:6 Threads:20 Hosts:202 HostsPerProcess:34 DataSources:83347 RRDsProcessed:33342
How can I tweak this for more speed?
What are some typical numbers for larger numbers of targets ?
I just guessed at the threads and processes.
Optimizing Spine
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Re: Optimizing Spine
Spine processes (6 in your current config) start threads (each spine process starts 20 threads).
I dont thinkg you need anything to optimize - 19 seconds to collect 83347 counters from 202 is quite good
But if you still want to make it more optimized - try to identify what exactly takes more time polling from devices or updating rrd-files? Do you use only snmp for polling or some server scripts as well?
I dont thinkg you need anything to optimize - 19 seconds to collect 83347 counters from 202 is quite good
But if you still want to make it more optimized - try to identify what exactly takes more time polling from devices or updating rrd-files? Do you use only snmp for polling or some server scripts as well?
Re: Optimizing Spine
I guess you can always configure more processes. I did that a few months ago and noticed it killed my cpu (lol), but times got lower. In any case, I wouldn't worry for any polling process that takes less than 25 sec. In fact I did use that difference to DECREASE poller's efficency and give my cores a break
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Corporate Cacti
CactiEZ 0.7 (upgraded to 0.0.8h) - Spine 0.8.8h - RRDTool 1.4.7 - Apache 2.2.15 - Settings 0.71 - Maint 0.3 - Thold0.5 - Errorimage 0.2 - Webmin 0.1
Watermark 0.2 - Monitor 1.3 - Realtime 0.5 - Nectar 0.35a - Fix64bit 0.4 - Autom8 0.36 - Quicktree 0.2
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Business Cacti
CactiEZ 0.7 - Spine 0.8.8b - RRDTool 1.3.8 - Apache 2.2.15 - Settings 0.71 - Maint 0.3 - Thold0.5 - Errorimage 0.2 - Jqueryskin 0.1
Webmin 0.1 - Watermark 0.2 - Monitor 1.3 - Realtime 0.5 - Nectar 0.35a - Fix64bit 0.4 - Autom8 0.36 - Quicktree 0.2 - Syslog 1.22
Re: Optimizing Spine
You might also check your disk IO during that period. If processes are having to wait to write to disk, then you will probably benefit from the boost plugin.
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