I've been graphing the CPU load of a device, and it's averaging about 0.02. Sadly, cacti or RRD, seems to round this to "0.0". So my Y axis looks like 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0.
Awesome, no?
Any hints on how I change this so if my load average is always below 0.1, my Y axis would instead be 0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, etc?
Adding extra decimal to y-axis
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Re: Adding extra decimal to y-axis
change the gprint template to show an extra decimal place
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Re: Adding extra decimal to y-axis
I set all of them to "Load Average" which is %8.2lf (which, to my reading, means 8 digits, and two decimal places). And that works for the Current, max, average... it DOESN'T show that way on the Y axis.BSOD2600 wrote:change the gprint template to show an extra decimal place
Re: Adding extra decimal to y-axis
ah, you're right I misread
| Scripts: Monitor processes | RFC1213 MIB | DOCSIS Stats | Dell PowerEdge | Speedfan | APC UPS | DOCSIS CMTS | 3ware | Motorola Canopy |
| Guides: Windows Install | [HOWTO] Debug Windows NTFS permission problems |
| Tools: Windows All-in-one Installer |
Re: Adding extra decimal to y-axis
it's cool. just curious how to get this fixed. =/
Re: Adding extra decimal to y-axis
was able to modify rrd.php and add --alt-y-grid to the appropriate lines. Seems to have added needed decimals.
Kind of curious how I keep seeing that this option is supported natively yet doesn't show up anywhere, even in 0.8.8c.
Kind of curious how I keep seeing that this option is supported natively yet doesn't show up anywhere, even in 0.8.8c.
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