Cacti graph 1 output normal other one -nan

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Cacti graph 1 output normal other one -nan

Post by kinkinchan »

Hi everyone,

I have been working for last few days to try to solve this problem but failed, could you please help?

My problem is, I have a graph with 2 outputs, and the graph can only shows one of them.
I checked the cacti log and it seems normal, however when I used rrdtool fetch command to check, it shows -nan for value1.
And my maximum and minimum is 100 and 0, I think it's safe to say it doesn't exceed the limit.

What should I do?

Thanks in advance!
rrdtool fetch
rrdtool fetch
fetch.png (9.98 KiB) Viewed 650 times
cacti log
cacti log
cacti log.png (49.4 KiB) Viewed 650 times
graph_image.png (19.01 KiB) Viewed 650 times
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Re: Cacti graph 1 output normal other one -nan

Post by porzech »

its just a guess, but in cli directory You have command rebuild_pooler_cache.php
It might help running it especially if You modified the data template after creating graphs that use datasources based on this template.
invocation is

Code: Select all

php -q rebuild_pooler_cache.php

It should print as many dots as You have active datasources (rra's) if You appednd -d on the end it will print out more info.

The other thing that might be wrong is the hearbet on the datasource set wrong (happened to me some times as im using several heartbet intervals network interfaces 1 min pooling cpu 5 min pooling HDD 30 minute pooling ..) when its set too high (ie 6000 instead of 600) no harm is done but if You set it accidentaly to 100 instead of 600 (with 5 min pooling cycle) Your graph wil not show anythig and RRD will show a bunch of NAN's - changing this in cacti will not change existing RRD files You will have to either change them using rrdtune command or delete them after Your corrections in cacti so they would be recreated with correct heartbet.
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