Routerconfig 0.3 pluging is not working with cacti 0.8.8b

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Routerconfig 0.3 pluging is not working with cacti 0.8.8b

Post by sohel2020 »

hello everybody i install routerconfig 0.3 with PIA 3.1. but is not backing up my cisco router config.

1. I install a TFTP server in my cacti box & its running. I tested it ok. because i had successfully take a backup by login manually from my cisco router to my TFTP server. so its ok.

2. From cacti setting menu>misc. i set my TFTP server IP address and TFTP root directory. and its directory permission is 777. so no permission issue . I also install telnet client in my cacti box.

3. My router login process is.

then i put 1st password and then put the enable command and give enable password. no username is there. According to the release note version 0.3 is compatible with enable password.

4. I add authentication and assign it to the device. then i tried to take manual backup but no luck. Just page loading and then nothing happen. No error shows.

so now how can i troubleshoot this issue? Pls. tell me step by step troubleshoot. I don't know the routerconfig 0.3 log file location.

Update: When i set up a user and password on my cisco router for test then i saw that it is working and taking backup.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks in Advance.
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