Thold 0.5 version bug

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Thold 0.5 version bug

Post by hid3nax »


I have cam accross a bug in 0.5 version, using Cacti 0.8.8c.

If you have quite a few thresholds, go the the 'thold' tab at the top of the page, it lists you all the tholds.
Paging works here, so at the top and bottom it shows this:

Code: Select all

Showing Rows 1 to 10 of 70 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
If you click on whatever page (be it 2 to 7 in my case), it does not show any thresholds, but instead shows 'No rows found'.

I've investigated that the problem is because incorrect URL:

Code: Select all

Instead, it should be


Anyone know how to fix this?
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Re: Thold 0.5 version bug

Post by ea595959 »

I am having a similar problem, however as of this morning I no longer see any of my Tholds at all.
Nor create new ones.

funny thing is....

the last alert I recieved was at 7:16AM
I thought I messed something up in the OS while importing templats and scripts, so i restored my cacti VM from a backup I had from last night.
It came online, all my changes were lost (no big deal), but still have no Tholds and cant create them.

Any help would be appreciated.
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