nmidWebService Version 2 released - Remote Display of Graphs

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Re: nmidWebService Version 2 released - Remote Display of Gr

Post by phalek »

The webservice password is under:

Console -> Settings -> NMID

Can you reach the following URL and does it display an XML syntax ? ... e.php?wsdl

If not,do you have the "php-soap" module installed ?
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Re: nmidWebService Version 2 released - Remote Display of Gr

Post by electravis »

I was not able to get to it. I also did not have php-soap installed so I installed it and even rebooted my system. but still nothing comes up but a blank page.

Any thoughts
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Re: nmidWebService Version 2 released - Remote Display of Gr

Post by phalek »

check your php error log ( enable it via php.ini : error_log = syslog ) and check what's noted there.
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Re: nmidWebService Version 2 released - Remote Display of Gr

Post by Florin »


I've succeeded to set up your plugin and work great but, the quality of the graph is poor, how it could be raised ?

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Re: nmidWebService Version 2 released - Remote Display of Gr

Post by phalek »

The function you need to look at is the "getGraph" function from the "graph_functions.php" file.

The party you may play around with is this one:

Code: Select all

// Create the Cacti image:
system($php_binary . " create_image.php ". $i_lgid ." 0 ". $i_start ." ". $i_end ." ". $i_height ." ". $i_width ." ".$i_nolegend." > ". $s_imgname );

// Create an image object from the newly created file/image:
$tmp_image = @ImageCreateFromPNG ($s_imgname);

// Get the Image width and height
$width = imagesx($tmp_image);
$height = imagesy($tmp_image);

// Do some resampling:
$new_image = imagecreatetruecolor($i_width,$i_height); 
ImageCopyResampled($new_image, $tmp_image,0,0,0,0, $i_width, $i_height, $width, $height); 
imagealphablending ( $new_image, FALSE );
imagepng($new_image, $s_imgname);                        
// open the freshly created image and read its content
$h_handle = fopen( $s_imgname, "rb" );

Maybe changing this function to this may help you:

Code: Select all

// Create the Cacti image:
system($php_binary . " create_image.php ". $i_lgid ." 0 ". $i_start ." ". $i_end ." ". $i_height ." ". $i_width ." ".$i_nolegend." > ". $s_imgname );

// --> Removed Image processing <--
// open the freshly created image and read its content
$h_handle = fopen( $s_imgname, "rb" );
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