Unable to create a deleted graph

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Unable to create a deleted graph

Post by bch »


Context : As I had an error on a graph, I deleted it but I did't delete the data sources linked to this graph. Now, I would like to create the graph but I can't (when I select the correct graph type, the line is grey), as you could see in the screenshot attached. I think the data source are yet in "cacti" (database or somewhere....)

I already check the rra directory on my cacti server but I can't see any rrd file (matching the interface I want to graph in cacti). I already checked in the cacti web interface and can't find any reference of the old graph/data source.

Thank you for your help.
unable to add a new graph
unable to add a new graph
cacti.png (4.56 KiB) Viewed 310 times
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