0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
I tried after a fresh install with BSOD2600 installer to restore a previous db from a 0.8.7g production environment.
The db restore procedure goes ok and when I logon in Cacti the upgrade procedure start, all success except the path to cacti log file.
But when I login I get a blank page!!!
Only a restore of the db no change around cacti.
How is it possible?
I tried after a fresh install with BSOD2600 installer to restore a previous db from a 0.8.7g production environment.
The db restore procedure goes ok and when I logon in Cacti the upgrade procedure start, all success except the path to cacti log file.
But when I login I get a blank page!!!
Only a restore of the db no change around cacti.
How is it possible?
- Attachments
- 3.jpg (51.38 KiB) Viewed 4120 times
- 2.jpg (68.58 KiB) Viewed 4120 times
- 1.jpg (63.76 KiB) Viewed 4120 times
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
After the db upgrade procedure the Cacti log file is no longer updated probabbly for the incorrect path (warning) I didn't find the file where the path is write (I serached with notepad++ recursively inside the file), but I don't think that is the cause of the blank page after login.
If you know where I could check the path in config to the log file I could change to see if something changed!
If you know where I could check the path in config to the log file I could change to see if something changed!
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
As a temporary workaround i put the log file in the directory c:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/log/cacti.log instead c:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti/log/cacti.log so it could be updated.
Nothing changed! I get yet a blank page after login
I attached the cacti log file.
Any idea?
Nothing changed! I get yet a blank page after login
I attached the cacti log file.
Any idea?
- Attachments
- cacti.zip
- (5.11 KiB) Downloaded 114 times
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
Because Apache 2 has reached EOL and 2.4 is the current maintained release.smlick wrote:Why not use the old path apache2 instead apache24 in the installer?
Update the paths in settings to the correct apache24 path. you'll possibly need to search in the database too, as I seem to recall there is a path or two which should be automatically updated and not exposed from the UI. Log into MySQL and select * from settings; to check.
| Scripts: Monitor processes | RFC1213 MIB | DOCSIS Stats | Dell PowerEdge | Speedfan | APC UPS | DOCSIS CMTS | 3ware | Motorola Canopy |
| Guides: Windows Install | [HOWTO] Debug Windows NTFS permission problems |
| Tools: Windows All-in-one Installer |
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
I can not make any changes in settings because after login I see only a blank page, so change only by editing the db.
I searched in the db as you told with a query but the path seems all ok except the one for the Cacti log but, as I told in the post before I solved temporarly with a workaround.
Anyway this are the line about the query in a fresh install:
ping_method 1
rrdtool_version rrd-1.4.x
snmp_ver 2
path_cactilog C:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti/log/cacti.log
path_webroot c:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti
extended_paths on
concurrent_processes 2
path_snmpwalk C:/Net-SNMP/bin/snmpwalk.exe
path_snmpget C:/Net-SNMP/bin/snmpget.exe
path_snmpbulkwalk C:/Net-SNMP/bin/snmpbulkwalk.exe
path_snmpgetnext C:/Net-SNMP/bin/snmpgetnext.exe
path_rrdtool C:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe
path_rrdtool_default_font C:/Windows/Fonts/VeraMono.ttf
path_php_binary C:/php/php.exe
path_spine C:/Spine/spine.exe
poller_lastrun 1415195705
date 2014-11-05 14:55:06
stats_poller Time:1.7784 Method:cmd.php Processes:2 Threads:N/A Hosts:2 HostsPerProcess:1 DataSources:0 RRDsProcessed:0
stats_recache RecacheTime:0.0 HostsRecached:0
and these are the line after upgrade the db from an old dump (0.8.7.g):
path_rrdtool c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe
path_php_binary c:/php/php.exe
path_snmpwalk c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpwalk.exe
path_snmpget c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpget.exe
path_snmpbulkwalk c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpbulkwalk.exe
path_snmpgetnext c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpgetnext.exe
path_cactilog C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/log/cacti.log
rrdtool_version rrd-1.4.x
path_rrdtool_default_font c:/windows/fonts/VeraMono.ttf
path_spine c:/spine/spine.exe
poller_enabled on
poller_type 1
concurrent_processes 8
max_threads 10
php_servers 6
script_timeout 25
max_get_size 40
availability_method 2
ping_method 1
ping_timeout 600
ping_retries 10
ping_failure_count 3
ping_recovery_count 3
path_webroot c:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti
date 2014-11-05 11:05:06
stats_poller Time:87.3450 Method:cmd.php Processes:8 Threads:N/A Hosts:188 HostsPerProcess:24 DataSources:733 RRDsProcessed:0
stats_recache RecacheTime:0.0 HostsRecached:0
auth_method 1
poller_lastrun 1415181901
log_destination 1
log_verbosity 2
log_perror on
snmp_version net-snmp
snmp_ver 2
path_rrdtool c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe
path_php_binary c:/php/php.exe
path_snmpwalk c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpwalk.exe
path_snmpget c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpget.exe
path_snmpbulkwalk c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpbulkwalk.exe
path_snmpgetnext c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpgetnext.exe
path_cactilog C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/log/cacti.log
rrdtool_version rrd-1.4.x
path_rrdtool_default_font c:/windows/fonts/VeraMono.ttf
path_spine c:/spine/spine.exe
poller_enabled on
poller_type 1
concurrent_processes 8
max_threads 10
php_servers 6
script_timeout 25
max_get_size 40
availability_method 2
ping_method 1
ping_timeout 600
ping_retries 10
ping_failure_count 3
ping_recovery_count 3
path_webroot c:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti
date 2014-11-05 11:05:06
stats_poller Time:87.3450 Method:cmd.php Processes:8 Threads:N/A Hosts:188 HostsPerProcess:24 DataSources:733 RRDsProcessed:0
stats_recache RecacheTime:0.0 HostsRecached:0
auth_method 1
poller_lastrun 1415181901
log_destination 1
log_verbosity 2
log_perror on
snmp_version net-snmp
snmp_ver 2
monitor_view list
plugin_update_check_time 1
syslog_refresh 300
num_rows_syslog 30
syslog_retention 30
alert_num_rows 30
plugin_update_last_check 1333371695
thold_syslog_level 5
alert_deadnotify on
rrd_step_counter 3
weathermap_quiet_logging 0
weathermap_render_counter 577
weathermap_pagestyle 0
weathermap_cycle_refresh 0
weathermap_render_period 0
weathermap_output_format png
weathermap_thumbsize 250
thold_last_poll 2008-12-15 12:58:07
discovery_collection_timing 1440
manage_disabled_text 0
manage_double_email 0
manage_tree_analyze 1
manage_disable_site_view 0
manage_snmp_port 162
manage_snmp_community public
manage_snmp_version 2
manage_snmp_ip Is not set
manage_snmp 5
manage_syslog_level 1
manage_syslog 5
manage_weathermap_theme default
manage_accounts_groups -1
manage_accounts_sites -1
manage_accounts_reporting -1
manage_accounts_settings -1
manage_accounts_tab -1
manage_enable on
manage_sound 0
manage_theme default
manage_list_2 2
manage_order5 0
manage_order4 0
manage_order3 3
manage_order2 2
manage_order1 1
manage_thold 1
manage_poller_plus 1
manage_cycle_refresh 5
manage_cycle_delay 30
manage_perl c:/perl/bin/perl.exe
manage_poller_hosts 5
manage_legend on
manage_simple_separator 12
manage_full_separator 6
manage_list_separator 25
manage_list 0
manage_netsend_method 1
manage_netsend_events 5
superlinks_tabstyle 0
uptime_cisco on
uptime_method on
superlinks_hidelogo 0
superlinks_hideconsole 0
superlinks_db_version 0.8
stats_thold Time:0.0624 Tholds:0 Hosts:0
thold_syslog_facility 8
manage_use_patch 0
manage_date 2014-11-5, at 2:6:47
manage_poller 0
manage_events 5
camm_stats del_traps:0 del_unk_traps:0 del_sys_messages:0
camm_last_syslogtreedb_time 1415092634
camm_dependencies 1
camm_use_group_by_host 0
camm_use_fqdn 0
camm_email_title Un allarme richiede la tua attenzione!
camm_rule_order 1
camm_action_order 1
camm_process_markers 0
camm_tree_menu_width 20
camm_period_week 0
camm_period_day 1
camm_period_hour 1
camm_syslog_pretable_name plugin_camm_syslog
camm_debug_mode 0
camm_tab_image_size 0
camm_join_field sourceip
camm_show_all_records 1
camm_syslog_db_name cacti
camm_stats_syslog_tree TreesyslogTime:112.6425
camm_stats_snmptt_tree TreecammTime:0
camm_sys_tab_update 0
camm_snmptt_trap_tab_update 0
camm_snmptt_unktrap_tab_update 0
camm_sys_max_row_per_device 1200
camm_sys_min_row_all 4000000
camm_sys_delay_purge_day 60
camm_use_syslog 1
camm_test_row_count 1000
camm_stats_ruledel_syslog 159
camm_stats_ruledel_snmptt 0
camm_stats_time Time:18.7836
camm_tree_update 300
camm_startup_tab 0
camm_snmptt_tables 3
camm_snmptt_max_row_per_device 4000000
camm_snmptt_min_row_all 0
camm_snmptt_delay_purge_day 7
camm_last_run_time 1415092521
camm_autopurge_timing 120
process_leveling on
plugin_monitor_version 1.3
camm_num_rows 50
camm_version 1.6.7
gpsmap_apikey AIzaSyAlqb3qy3c1bakkSEisfcW_w70SbvrlWlc
oldplugins ,weathermap,mobile
weathermap_last_stats Tue, 04 Nov 14 10:15:32 +0100: 5 maps were run in 12 seconds with 126 warnings.
weathermap_map_selector 1
weathermap_all_tab 0
weathermap_db_version 0.97a
plugin_discovery_version 1.1
weathermap_last_start_time 1415092520
weathermap_last_started_file [Map 5] Load Balancer
weathermap_last_finished_file [Map 5] Load Balancer
weathermap_last_finish_time 1415092532
gpsmap_latutude 41.922158
gpsmap_longitude 12.612929
gpsmap_zoom 6
gpsmap_refreshMap 5
gpsmap_kmldomain example.com
gpsmap_terror .0003
gpsmap_fillcolor 0055ff
gpsmap_licolor 0055ff
gpsmap_liwidth 2
gpsmap_fillopa .2
gpsmap_liopa .8
gpsmap_circlequality 15
discovery_base_time 12:00am
plugin_settings_version 0.7
reindex_method 1
stats_nectar Time:6.4740 Reports:1
nectar_default_image_format 1
nectar_max_attach 10485760
nectar_log_verbosity 2
nectar_allow_ln on
camm_last_autopurge_run_time 1415086819
camm_general_graphs_ids 704,708,705,709
camm_stats_time_general AllTime:113.1802 PurgeTime:0.0011 RuleTime:0.3539 TreeTime:112.8252 t1:0.3550
I omiss only some line with internal info.
Do you find something that cause a possible malfunction?
I searched in the db as you told with a query but the path seems all ok except the one for the Cacti log but, as I told in the post before I solved temporarly with a workaround.
Anyway this are the line about the query in a fresh install:
ping_method 1
rrdtool_version rrd-1.4.x
snmp_ver 2
path_cactilog C:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti/log/cacti.log
path_webroot c:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti
extended_paths on
concurrent_processes 2
path_snmpwalk C:/Net-SNMP/bin/snmpwalk.exe
path_snmpget C:/Net-SNMP/bin/snmpget.exe
path_snmpbulkwalk C:/Net-SNMP/bin/snmpbulkwalk.exe
path_snmpgetnext C:/Net-SNMP/bin/snmpgetnext.exe
path_rrdtool C:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe
path_rrdtool_default_font C:/Windows/Fonts/VeraMono.ttf
path_php_binary C:/php/php.exe
path_spine C:/Spine/spine.exe
poller_lastrun 1415195705
date 2014-11-05 14:55:06
stats_poller Time:1.7784 Method:cmd.php Processes:2 Threads:N/A Hosts:2 HostsPerProcess:1 DataSources:0 RRDsProcessed:0
stats_recache RecacheTime:0.0 HostsRecached:0
and these are the line after upgrade the db from an old dump (0.8.7.g):
path_rrdtool c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe
path_php_binary c:/php/php.exe
path_snmpwalk c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpwalk.exe
path_snmpget c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpget.exe
path_snmpbulkwalk c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpbulkwalk.exe
path_snmpgetnext c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpgetnext.exe
path_cactilog C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/log/cacti.log
rrdtool_version rrd-1.4.x
path_rrdtool_default_font c:/windows/fonts/VeraMono.ttf
path_spine c:/spine/spine.exe
poller_enabled on
poller_type 1
concurrent_processes 8
max_threads 10
php_servers 6
script_timeout 25
max_get_size 40
availability_method 2
ping_method 1
ping_timeout 600
ping_retries 10
ping_failure_count 3
ping_recovery_count 3
path_webroot c:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti
date 2014-11-05 11:05:06
stats_poller Time:87.3450 Method:cmd.php Processes:8 Threads:N/A Hosts:188 HostsPerProcess:24 DataSources:733 RRDsProcessed:0
stats_recache RecacheTime:0.0 HostsRecached:0
auth_method 1
poller_lastrun 1415181901
log_destination 1
log_verbosity 2
log_perror on
snmp_version net-snmp
snmp_ver 2
path_rrdtool c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe
path_php_binary c:/php/php.exe
path_snmpwalk c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpwalk.exe
path_snmpget c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpget.exe
path_snmpbulkwalk c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpbulkwalk.exe
path_snmpgetnext c:/net-snmp/bin/snmpgetnext.exe
path_cactilog C:/Apache2/htdocs/cacti/log/cacti.log
rrdtool_version rrd-1.4.x
path_rrdtool_default_font c:/windows/fonts/VeraMono.ttf
path_spine c:/spine/spine.exe
poller_enabled on
poller_type 1
concurrent_processes 8
max_threads 10
php_servers 6
script_timeout 25
max_get_size 40
availability_method 2
ping_method 1
ping_timeout 600
ping_retries 10
ping_failure_count 3
ping_recovery_count 3
path_webroot c:/Apache24/htdocs/cacti
date 2014-11-05 11:05:06
stats_poller Time:87.3450 Method:cmd.php Processes:8 Threads:N/A Hosts:188 HostsPerProcess:24 DataSources:733 RRDsProcessed:0
stats_recache RecacheTime:0.0 HostsRecached:0
auth_method 1
poller_lastrun 1415181901
log_destination 1
log_verbosity 2
log_perror on
snmp_version net-snmp
snmp_ver 2
monitor_view list
plugin_update_check_time 1
syslog_refresh 300
num_rows_syslog 30
syslog_retention 30
alert_num_rows 30
plugin_update_last_check 1333371695
thold_syslog_level 5
alert_deadnotify on
rrd_step_counter 3
weathermap_quiet_logging 0
weathermap_render_counter 577
weathermap_pagestyle 0
weathermap_cycle_refresh 0
weathermap_render_period 0
weathermap_output_format png
weathermap_thumbsize 250
thold_last_poll 2008-12-15 12:58:07
discovery_collection_timing 1440
manage_disabled_text 0
manage_double_email 0
manage_tree_analyze 1
manage_disable_site_view 0
manage_snmp_port 162
manage_snmp_community public
manage_snmp_version 2
manage_snmp_ip Is not set
manage_snmp 5
manage_syslog_level 1
manage_syslog 5
manage_weathermap_theme default
manage_accounts_groups -1
manage_accounts_sites -1
manage_accounts_reporting -1
manage_accounts_settings -1
manage_accounts_tab -1
manage_enable on
manage_sound 0
manage_theme default
manage_list_2 2
manage_order5 0
manage_order4 0
manage_order3 3
manage_order2 2
manage_order1 1
manage_thold 1
manage_poller_plus 1
manage_cycle_refresh 5
manage_cycle_delay 30
manage_perl c:/perl/bin/perl.exe
manage_poller_hosts 5
manage_legend on
manage_simple_separator 12
manage_full_separator 6
manage_list_separator 25
manage_list 0
manage_netsend_method 1
manage_netsend_events 5
superlinks_tabstyle 0
uptime_cisco on
uptime_method on
superlinks_hidelogo 0
superlinks_hideconsole 0
superlinks_db_version 0.8
stats_thold Time:0.0624 Tholds:0 Hosts:0
thold_syslog_facility 8
manage_use_patch 0
manage_date 2014-11-5, at 2:6:47
manage_poller 0
manage_events 5
camm_stats del_traps:0 del_unk_traps:0 del_sys_messages:0
camm_last_syslogtreedb_time 1415092634
camm_dependencies 1
camm_use_group_by_host 0
camm_use_fqdn 0
camm_email_title Un allarme richiede la tua attenzione!
camm_rule_order 1
camm_action_order 1
camm_process_markers 0
camm_tree_menu_width 20
camm_period_week 0
camm_period_day 1
camm_period_hour 1
camm_syslog_pretable_name plugin_camm_syslog
camm_debug_mode 0
camm_tab_image_size 0
camm_join_field sourceip
camm_show_all_records 1
camm_syslog_db_name cacti
camm_stats_syslog_tree TreesyslogTime:112.6425
camm_stats_snmptt_tree TreecammTime:0
camm_sys_tab_update 0
camm_snmptt_trap_tab_update 0
camm_snmptt_unktrap_tab_update 0
camm_sys_max_row_per_device 1200
camm_sys_min_row_all 4000000
camm_sys_delay_purge_day 60
camm_use_syslog 1
camm_test_row_count 1000
camm_stats_ruledel_syslog 159
camm_stats_ruledel_snmptt 0
camm_stats_time Time:18.7836
camm_tree_update 300
camm_startup_tab 0
camm_snmptt_tables 3
camm_snmptt_max_row_per_device 4000000
camm_snmptt_min_row_all 0
camm_snmptt_delay_purge_day 7
camm_last_run_time 1415092521
camm_autopurge_timing 120
process_leveling on
plugin_monitor_version 1.3
camm_num_rows 50
camm_version 1.6.7
gpsmap_apikey AIzaSyAlqb3qy3c1bakkSEisfcW_w70SbvrlWlc
oldplugins ,weathermap,mobile
weathermap_last_stats Tue, 04 Nov 14 10:15:32 +0100: 5 maps were run in 12 seconds with 126 warnings.
weathermap_map_selector 1
weathermap_all_tab 0
weathermap_db_version 0.97a
plugin_discovery_version 1.1
weathermap_last_start_time 1415092520
weathermap_last_started_file [Map 5] Load Balancer
weathermap_last_finished_file [Map 5] Load Balancer
weathermap_last_finish_time 1415092532
gpsmap_latutude 41.922158
gpsmap_longitude 12.612929
gpsmap_zoom 6
gpsmap_refreshMap 5
gpsmap_kmldomain example.com
gpsmap_terror .0003
gpsmap_fillcolor 0055ff
gpsmap_licolor 0055ff
gpsmap_liwidth 2
gpsmap_fillopa .2
gpsmap_liopa .8
gpsmap_circlequality 15
discovery_base_time 12:00am
plugin_settings_version 0.7
reindex_method 1
stats_nectar Time:6.4740 Reports:1
nectar_default_image_format 1
nectar_max_attach 10485760
nectar_log_verbosity 2
nectar_allow_ln on
camm_last_autopurge_run_time 1415086819
camm_general_graphs_ids 704,708,705,709
camm_stats_time_general AllTime:113.1802 PurgeTime:0.0011 RuleTime:0.3539 TreeTime:112.8252 t1:0.3550
I omiss only some line with internal info.
Do you find something that cause a possible malfunction?
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
Disable all the plugins (easiest is moving everything out of the /cacti/plugins/ directory elsewhere). Fixed?
Check the php and mysql error logs when the page goes blank. What gets logged?
Check the php and mysql error logs when the page goes blank. What gets logged?
| Scripts: Monitor processes | RFC1213 MIB | DOCSIS Stats | Dell PowerEdge | Speedfan | APC UPS | DOCSIS CMTS | 3ware | Motorola Canopy |
| Guides: Windows Install | [HOWTO] Debug Windows NTFS permission problems |
| Tools: Windows All-in-one Installer |
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
There's no plugin in the directory! I restored only the db by a mysqldump from the previous 0.8.7g version.
Nothing more! No rrd, no plugin, nothing except a backup of the db from old version and the restore in the new one.
I can check the other things tomorrow morning....whe have different fuse
Tnx for your help!!!
Nothing more! No rrd, no plugin, nothing except a backup of the db from old version and the restore in the new one.
I can check the other things tomorrow morning....whe have different fuse
Tnx for your help!!!
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
Hi BSOD2600, I tried to login and I gave a look to the php&mysql log file, I think there's no appreciable error, only something in php error log about plugin and an LDAP dll that is not able to load (isue internal authentication).
Do you see something wrong in the log?
There are data that I can try to change inside cacti db->settings?
I attached the mysql and php log.
Do you see something wrong in the log?
There are data that I can try to change inside cacti db->settings?
I attached the mysql and php log.
- Attachments
- LOG.zip
- (5.08 KiB) Downloaded 123 times
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
you said there are no plugins... yet the php error log is filled with various plugin errors??
Back to the basics. Does a phpinfo() page work?
Back to the basics. Does a phpinfo() page work?
| Scripts: Monitor processes | RFC1213 MIB | DOCSIS Stats | Dell PowerEdge | Speedfan | APC UPS | DOCSIS CMTS | 3ware | Motorola Canopy |
| Guides: Windows Install | [HOWTO] Debug Windows NTFS permission problems |
| Tools: Windows All-in-one Installer |
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
The source machine have all the plugin listed in the php error file.
The destination machine have no plugin.
Tomorrow I'll try the phpinfo()
The destination machine have no plugin.
Tomorrow I'll try the phpinfo()
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
Gotcha. For both of our sakes in troubleshooting, it would be helpful to clear those error logs from the destination server.
| Scripts: Monitor processes | RFC1213 MIB | DOCSIS Stats | Dell PowerEdge | Speedfan | APC UPS | DOCSIS CMTS | 3ware | Motorola Canopy |
| Guides: Windows Install | [HOWTO] Debug Windows NTFS permission problems |
| Tools: Windows All-in-one Installer |
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
I made a test.php file with the line <?php phpinfo() ; ?>
then goes to http://localhost/test.php I get a blank page!
is possible that a modify in the table settings inside cacti db affect php working?
then goes to http://localhost/test.php I get a blank page!
is possible that a modify in the table settings inside cacti db affect php working?
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
Sorry little mistake after correct login I get "HTTP 500" not a blank page.
When I tried phpinfo blank page.
Now I'll try to empty some field of the table settings and see if I get it working.
If you have other ideas please tell me.
When I tried phpinfo blank page.
Now I'll try to empty some field of the table settings and see if I get it working.
If you have other ideas please tell me.
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
Nothing yet "http500" I think that something in the script process from 0.8.7g to 0.8.8b is not correct....I think.
This is the only thing that I did (backup&restore db).
I need to upgrade the production environment to 0.8.7g to the last version of Cacti and we have hundred of device monitored and also the historical data so I can't restart from zero.
What can I do?
This is the only thing that I did (backup&restore db).
I need to upgrade the production environment to 0.8.7g to the last version of Cacti and we have hundred of device monitored and also the historical data so I can't restart from zero.
What can I do?
Cacti Version 0.8.8c production / 0.8.8c test W2008 -- Plugin:Weathermap - Monitor - CAMM 1.6.7 :) - Nectar - GPS Map
Re: 0.8.8b fresh install and upgrade problem
Well at least this shows its the web server and not Cacti which is the problem...smlick wrote: Sorry little mistake after correct login I get "HTTP 500" not a blank page.
When I tried phpinfo blank page.
Upgrade like normal. Follow http://docs.cacti.net/manual:088:1_inst ... ng#windowssmlick wrote: I need to upgrade the production environment to 0.8.7g to the last version of Cacti and we have hundred of device monitored and also the historical data so I can't restart from zero.
What can I do?
Swapping underlaying software versions in addition to a db upgrade is a bad idea, as you've found out. Better to do it the other way around.
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