Nectar 0.35 wont send reports. Assistance appreciated

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Nectar 0.35 wont send reports. Assistance appreciated

Post by lavati »

I think i posted this in the wrong section under announcements so apologies for the repost.

I'd Love it if someone could help with the issue i have and this plugin.

The plugin is going to do exactly what i need and would be a godsend.

I've set it up, but when i try to send a report via email i just get a blank page and nothing in my maillog. I'm not sure really where to debug.

Nothing shown in cacti.log

Cacti 0.8.8
Nectar 0.35a
Ubuntu 11.10

Plugin installed no problems, without me editing anything in the code.

Installed postfix and mailutils and successfully send a mail from the OS.

How does nectar choose the mail client on the OS? I see no settings in cacti to point to a mail binary path
How could i debug why nectar just returns a blank page in the browser when i try and send a report.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: I'm just wondering the permissions of nectar files in the plugin dir are all 500, 501 and nectar.php is not +x i wonder if that is the issue
Edit2: I adjusted all persmisions to be chmod +R cacti:users plugins/nectar/ and still just a blank page when try sending a test reportl. Also when scheduled nothing comes through.
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Re: Nectar 0.35 wont send reports. Assistance appreciated

Post by snasre »

I would also love to have a reply to the above post. I am getting the same error.

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Joined: Wed Oct 01, 2014 8:40 am

Re: Nectar 0.35 wont send reports. Assistance appreciated

Post by scotepi »

There appears to be no mailer.php in 0.8.8+ The simple fix was to copy mailer.php from plugins/nectar/0.8.7g/mailer.php to plugins/settings/include/. There is probably a better fix but this works for now.
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