Generating graphs for dynamic table

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Generating graphs for dynamic table

Post by maheshbabu1907 »

Hi All,

I am new to CACTI. I am using CACTI to generate graphs for the video conferencing endpoints and servers. I have a MIB table to hold the active calls' statistical information like packet loss, latency, jitter etc. and I want to generate the graph for these values for each of the call.

If the system is in a call with two other VC endpoints, there will be two entries in the table and the id is an incremental integer. If the system is not in any call, the table will be empty.

Assume, I have made two consecutive calls and the table had two entries with id 1 and 2. So I have to access the elements using *.*.*.(1-9).1 and *.*.*.(1-9).2. Later I got disconnected from both the calls and the table becomes empty. Again if I make a call to an another endpoint, the id will be 3 this time and I need to use *.*.*.(1-9).3 to get the data. I just wanted to know if it's possible to graph this kind of data which will vary on depending on the system's status? If yes, Can it be achieved using Data Queries with GET SNMP data?

Thanks in advance.
--Mahesh Babu
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Re: Generating graphs for dynamic table

Post by BSOD2600 »

SNMP data? yes, cacti can collect this info. Depending on the logic required, you might be able to create a SNMP Data Query or a PHP Script Server script to handle the requirements. Also search the cacti forum, as someone else might've already created the template/scripts.

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