Code: Select all
aa@alexandr-debian-test:~$ snmpget -v2c -cTEST .
iso. = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
Code: Select all
aa@alexandr-debian-test:~$ snmpwalk -v2c -cTEST .
iso. = Gauge32: 44
Code: Select all
aa@alexandr-debian-test:~$ snmpwalk -v2c -cTEST .
iso. = Gauge32: 17
So here is my question: Is it possible to ask Cacti to use snmpwalk and if it returns multiple values use the first one?
P.S. Cacti Data Queries tutorials start with SNMP table which seems to be inapplicable in this case.
BTW, routers (compared to switches above) return multiple values and to graph two values I created two data templates with needed OIDs and one graph template to show both data templates (I really hope that this can be done using single data template ):
Code: Select all
aa@alexandr-debian-test:~$ snmpwalk -v2c -cTEST .
iso. = Gauge32: 60
iso. = Gauge32: 29
iso. = Gauge32: 34
iso. = Gauge32: 22
iso. = Gauge32: 23