First of all, hi great community and devvers! Thanks for all the great stuff, i'm very pleased to say that i am a cacti user since 10 years now. Using it mainly for graphing, tresholding and reporting. Primarely the graphing is something many other tools lack in some degree. Anyway, not planning to cancel the use of cacti overhere.
That being said; i'm stuck at the moment....
The Case:
A few Fujitsu ETERNUS DX 4xx series SAN systems, from which i want to graph the logical volume performance.
The working part:
- I know the OID to retrieve the active volumes.
- I know the OID's for the performance counters.
So far i have created working graphs for Write Latency, Read Latency, Write IOPS, Read IOPS, Write Throughput and Read Throughput. Those are the ones i want to know about.
The problem part:
So far, i can't manage to query the active volumes and, based on that information, get the info for all active volumes.
What i am looking for is a way to walk OID .
This will get me plain numbers (i.e. 0, 2,3,7,9 etc.).
Based on those numbers i want to query the corresponding OID's for the counters.
An example for vulume 2 and 5:
The query at OID . (base query) gives me the numbers 2 and five.
With that info, i want to query . and .
So the last number has to be filled with the result from the base query.
Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction?
An working example for this kind of query/script would be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks in advance.
SNMP query puzzle
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