Weathermap permnissions

Support questions about the Network Weather Map plugin

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Cacti User
Posts: 87
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:48 pm

Post by Palermo »


There is no PHP change done since the installation.
I also installed a fresh clean install of weathermap.
If i enable the simple.conf map for testing. it still does not work. May be it is not a weathermap problem. But i have no clu where to look.

This is the result of the check.php looks good is gues

Code: Select all

Weathermap Pre-Install Checker

This script checks for some common problems with your PHP and server
environment that may stop Weathermap or the Editor from working.

NOTE: You should run this script as both a web page AND from the
command-line, as the environment can be different in each.

This is the PHP version that is responsible for 
* creating maps from the Cacti poller
* the command-line weathermap tool

PHP Basics
This is PHP Version 5.2.9 running on "Linux CactiNEXTGEN #1 SMP Wed May 20 22:58:30 EDT 2009 i686"
with a memory_limit of '512M'. 

The php.ini file was /etc
The following additional ini files were read: /etc/php.d/dbase.ini,

PHP Functions
Some parts of Weathermap need special support in your PHP
installation to work.

This PHP uses the 'bundled' GD library, which doesn't have alpha-blending
bugs. That's good!

The Console_Getopt PEAR module is not available. The CLI weathermap tool
will not run without it (that may not be a problem, if you only intend to
use Cacti).

            imagepng   YES                                                     
imagecreatetruecolor   YES                                                     
  imagealphablending   YES                                                     
      imageSaveAlpha   YES                                                     
          preg_match   YES                                                     
  imagecreatefrompng   YES                                                     
 imagecreatefromjpeg   YES                                                     
  imagecreatefromgif   YES                                                     
           imagejpeg   YES                                                     
            imagegif   YES                                                     
         imagefilter   YES                                                     
  imagecopyresampled   YES                                                     
        imagettfbbox   YES                                                     
    memory_get_usage   YES                                                     

If these functions are not found, you may need to
 * check that the 'extension=' line for that extension is uncommented in
   your php.ini file (then restart your webserver), or
 * install the extension, if it isn't installed already

The details of how this is done will depend on your operating system, and
on where you installed (or compiled) your PHP from originally. Usually, you
would install an RPM, or other package on Linux systems, a port on *BSD, or
a DLL on Windows. If you build PHP from source, you need to add extra
options to the './configure' line. Consult your PHP documention for more

Some features of Weathermap will not be available to you, due to lack of
support in your PHP installation. You can still proceed with Weathermap
thx for helping.
Cacti User
Posts: 87
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:48 pm

Post by Palermo »

Hi Howie

I`f dedicated this weekend for testing trying shouting yelling and much more :D
And in think i`m a step closer to the solution. :)

I ended op to delete the whole weatermap folder and rebooted the server. I`f installed a older version of weathermap (0.96) enabled the simple.conf and waited... in the log there was no error message.
If cop yd 1 small environment to the weathermap. with all the appropriate images. still no error in the log file. in the output directory i see that weathermap creates 6 files

Code: Select all

[root@CactiNEXTGEN output]# ls -ltr
total 304
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache     62 2008-03-19 21:37 index.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache      0 2008-03-19 21:37 dummy-file.delete-me
-rw-r--r-- 1 cacti cacti   22064 2009-08-17 08:15 7efec6a420900d4a5bd2.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache  19042 2009-08-17 08:15 d2e04c0f315b1fe4e057.thumb.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache 233013 2009-08-17 08:15 d2e04c0f315b1fe4e057.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache   2240 2009-08-17 08:15 d2e04c0f315b1fe4e057.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 cacti cacti   16023 2009-08-17 08:15 7efec6a420900d4a5bd2.thumb.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 cacti cacti    3123 2009-08-17 08:15 7efec6a420900d4a5bd2.html
[root@CactiNEXTGEN output]#
2 PNG files and 2 thumbnail files and 2 HTML files.
The files are updated every 5 minutes
I would say this is a good thing right?????

The only thing i don't understand is wy i don't see the thumbnails in the tab weathermap. (see picture)
Wy is it not showing the pictures.

i hope that we could clarify this.. again thx in advanced
(thumbnail for map not created yet)
(thumbnail for map not created yet)
Weathermap.PNG (17.44 KiB) Viewed 12681 times
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Post by Howie »

Palermo wrote:
2 PNG files and 2 thumbnail files and 2 HTML files.
The files are updated every 5 minutes
I would say this is a good thing right?????

The only thing i don't understand is wy i don't see the thumbnails in the tab weathermap. (see picture)
Wy is it not showing the pictures.
Yes - that's looking better. I would try now to overwrite the weathermap directory with 0.96a though (don't uninstall, just unpack it over the top), because there are a lot of bugfixes in that 'a'.

I don't see why the thumbnails don't appear, unless the output directory is not readable by apache.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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Posts: 87
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:48 pm

Post by Palermo »

Howie wrote:I don't see why the thumbnails don't appear, unless the output directory is not readable by apache.
Befor i copy the newer version of Weathermap over the old one.

The permissions of the output directory is

Code: Select all

drwxrwxr-x 2 cacti  apache   4096 2009-08-17 17:35 output
And the files in the output directory are set to

Code: Select all

-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache     62 2008-03-19 21:37 index.php
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache      0 2008-03-19 21:37 dummy-file.delete-me
-rw-r--r-- 1 cacti cacti   15969 2009-08-17 17:40 7efec6a420900d4a5bd2.thumb.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 cacti cacti   22063 2009-08-17 17:40 7efec6a420900d4a5bd2.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 cacti cacti    3123 2009-08-17 17:40 7efec6a420900d4a5bd2.html
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache  19049 2009-08-17 17:40 d2e04c0f315b1fe4e057.thumb.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache 233004 2009-08-17 17:40 d2e04c0f315b1fe4e057.png
-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache   2240 2009-08-17 17:40 d2e04c0f315b1fe4e057.html

is this correct so?
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Post by Howie »

Palermo wrote:
is this correct so?
Yes that looks fine. So I really don't know why you would not see the thumbnails in the weathermap page.

Let's see what filename it's looking for. If you look at weathermap-cacti-plugin.php, around line 400, there's the part that says

Code: Select all

print "(thumbnail for map not created yet)";
Change that to

Code: Select all

print "(thumbnail $thumbfile for map not created yet)";
and you'll get the full filenames in the weathermap page. Do they look right?
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
Cacti User
Posts: 87
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:48 pm

Post by Palermo »

I'f changed the rule as you ask.

This is the result of what i see in the Weathermap tab.

Code: Select all

(thumbnail /usr/share/cacti/plugins/weathermap/output/7efec6a420900d4a5bd2.thumb. for map not created yet)
(thumbnail /usr/share/cacti/plugins/weathermap/output/d2e04c0f315b1fe4e057.thumb. for map not created yet)
They refer to the correct files. So that is really strange.

Code: Select all

-rw-rw-r-- 1 cacti apache  19045 2009-08-18 11:55 d2e04c0f315b1fe4e057.thumb.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 cacti cacti   15992 2009-08-18 11:55 7efec6a420900d4a5bd2.thumb.png
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Post by Howie »

No they don't. They don't have any png extension on the end.

Could you go into the Cacti Settings..Misc page, and make sure 'png' is selected as the format, and press save (even if it is)?

It would also be worth checking that if you change it to (say) JPEG, that the change 'sticks' and doesn't just default back to PNG again. I think perhaps a line might be missing from the setttings table, but that will test it.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
Cacti User
Posts: 87
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:48 pm

Post by Palermo »

Howie wrote:Could you go into the Cacti Settings..Misc page, and make sure 'png' is selected as the format, and press save (even if it is)?
Unbelievable it works.. That is strange...

now i'm gonna copy the new version over the old one..
Cacti User
Posts: 87
Joined: Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:48 pm

Post by Palermo »

I'f copyd the 96a over the existing directory.

All seems to bee working.

Howie thx for the support.

i`m learning all the time :-)
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Post by Howie »

Palermo wrote:I'f copyd the 96a over the existing directory.

All seems to bee working.

Howie thx for the support.

i`m learning all the time :-)
Me too. I've never seen that failure before! :-)
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:06 am

Re: Weathermap permnissions

Post by bartc »

Few years later , same issue , no thumbnails or pictures generated. All configs in place. SELinux disabled, permissions set to 777 for configs and output folder. When running weathermap from command line this is what I get :

PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Dec 5 2013 07:09:40)
Copyright (c) 1997-2010 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2010 Zend Technologies
[root@US1MSOLNMS01 weathermap]# ./weathermap --config configs/TESTMAP --output output/ --debug
DEBUG: [@weathermap:191] ------------------------------------
DEBUG: [@weathermap:192] Starting PHP-Weathermap run, with config: configs/TESTMAP
DEBUG: [@weathermap:193] ------------------------------------
DEBUG: [Reset@Weathermap.class.php:326] Creating ':: DEFAULT ::' DEFAULT LINK
DEBUG: [Reset@WeatherMapLink.class.php:119] Resetting :: DEFAULT :: with :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [Reset@Weathermap.class.php:335] Creating ':: DEFAULT ::' DEFAULT NODE
DEBUG: [Reset@WeatherMapNode.class.php:707] Resetting :: DEFAULT :: with :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [Reset@Weathermap.class.php:353] Creating actual DEFAULT NODE from :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [Reset@WeatherMapNode.class.php:707] Resetting DEFAULT with :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [CopyFrom@WeatherMapNode.class.php:731] Initialising NODE DEFAULT from :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [Reset@Weathermap.class.php:361] Creating actual DEFAULT LINK from :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [Reset@WeatherMapLink.class.php:119] Resetting DEFAULT with :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [CopyFrom@WeatherMapLink.class.php:145] Initialising LINK DEFAULT from :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [Reset@Weathermap.class.php:386] Adding default map colour set.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:667] Beginning to load data plugins from lib/datasources
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_rrd.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_rrd from WeatherMapDataSource_rrd.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_rrd.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_fping.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_fping from WeatherMapDataSource_fping.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_fping.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_cactihost.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_cactihost from WeatherMapDataSource_cactihost.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_cactihost.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_dsstats.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_dsstats from WeatherMapDataSource_dsstats.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_dsstats.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_snmp.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_snmp from WeatherMapDataSource_snmp.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_snmp.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_tabfile.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_tabfile from WeatherMapDataSource_tabfile.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_tabfile.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_time.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_time from WeatherMapDataSource_time.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_time.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:715] Skipping README.txt
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:715] Skipping ..
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_static.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_static from WeatherMapDataSource_static.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_static.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:715] Skipping WeatherMapDataSource_skeleton.php.txt
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_external.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_external from WeatherMapDataSource_external.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_external.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:715] Skipping .
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_mrtg.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_mrtg from WeatherMapDataSource_mrtg.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_mrtg.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_cactithold.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_cactithold from WeatherMapDataSource_cactithold.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_cactithold.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading data Plugin class from WeatherMapDataSource_dbsample.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded data Plugin class WeatherMapDataSource_dbsample from WeatherMapDataSource_dbsample.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapDataSource_dbsample.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:667] Beginning to load pre plugins from lib/pre
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:715] Skipping ..
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:715] Skipping .
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading pre Plugin class from WeatherMapPreProcessorTest.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded pre Plugin class WeatherMapPreProcessorTest from WeatherMapPreProcessorTest.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapPreProcessorTest.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:667] Beginning to load post plugins from lib/post
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:715] Skipping ..
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:690] Loading post Plugin class from WeatherMapPostProcessorTest.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:702] Loaded post Plugin class WeatherMapPostProcessorTest from WeatherMapPostProcessorTest.php
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:710] Instantiated WeatherMapPostProcessorTest.
DEBUG: [LoadPlugins@Weathermap.class.php:715] Skipping .
DEBUG: [Reset@Weathermap.class.php:417] WeatherMap class Reset() complete
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:2085] configs/TESTMAP: ReadConfig Detected that this is a config filename.
DEBUG: [add_hint@Weathermap.class.php:126] configs/TESTMAP: Adding hint key_hidezero_DEFAULT='1' to MAP
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:2219] configs/TESTMAP: Loaded NODE DEFAULT
DEBUG: [ReadConfig_Commit@Weathermap.class.php:3114] configs/TESTMAP: Saving Node: DEFAULT
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:2184] configs/TESTMAP: Loaded LINK DEFAULT
DEBUG: [ReadConfig_Commit@Weathermap.class.php:3128] configs/TESTMAP: Saving Template-Only Link: DEFAULT
DEBUG: [Reset@WeatherMapNode.class.php:707] configs/TESTMAP: Resetting node05076 with DEFAULT
DEBUG: [CopyFrom@WeatherMapNode.class.php:731] configs/TESTMAP: Initialising NODE node05076 from DEFAULT
DEBUG: [ReadConfig_Commit@Weathermap.class.php:3114] configs/TESTMAP: Saving Node: node05076
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:2929] configs/TESTMAP: ReadConfig has finished reading the config (51 lines)
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:2930] configs/TESTMAP: ------------------------------------------
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:2958] configs/TESTMAP: Already have 9 scales, no defaults added.
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:2968] configs/TESTMAP: Building cache of z-layers and finalising bandwidth.
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3011] configs/TESTMAP: Setting bandwidth on NODE :: DEFAULT :: (100 -> 100 bps, 100 -> 100 bps, KILO = 1000)
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3011] configs/TESTMAP: Setting bandwidth on NODE DEFAULT (100 -> 100 bps, 100 -> 100 bps, KILO = 1000)
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3011] configs/TESTMAP: Setting bandwidth on NODE node05076 (100 -> 100 bps, 100 -> 100 bps, KILO = 1000)
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3011] configs/TESTMAP: Setting bandwidth on LINK :: DEFAULT :: (100M -> 100000000 bps, 100M -> 100000000 bps, KILO = 1000)
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3011] configs/TESTMAP: Setting bandwidth on LINK DEFAULT (100M -> 100000000 bps, 100M -> 100000000 bps, KILO = 1000)
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3014] configs/TESTMAP: Found 4 z-layers including builtins (0,100).
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3019] configs/TESTMAP: Resolving relative positions for NODEs...
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3081] configs/TESTMAP: Relative Positions Cycle 100 - set 0 and Skipped 0 for unresolved dependencies
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3090] configs/TESTMAP: -----------------------------------
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3093] configs/TESTMAP: Running Pre-Processing Plugins...
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3096] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapPreProcessorTest->run()
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note test='TEST!' to MAP
DEBUG: [run@WeatherMapPreProcessorTest.php:10] configs/TESTMAP: Test Preprocessor in the hizouse
DEBUG: [ReadConfig@Weathermap.class.php:3099] configs/TESTMAP: Finished Pre-Processing Plugins...
DEBUG: [add_hint@Weathermap.class.php:126] configs/TESTMAP: Adding hint debugging='1' to MAP
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:727] configs/TESTMAP: Running Init() for Data Source Plugins...
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_rrd->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_fping->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_cactihost->Init()
DEBUG: [Init@WeatherMapDataSource_cactihost.php:20] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData CactiHost: Can only run from Cacti environment.
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:740] configs/TESTMAP: Removing WeatherMapDataSource_cactihost from Data Source list, since Init() failed
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_dsstats->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:740] configs/TESTMAP: Removing WeatherMapDataSource_dsstats from Data Source list, since Init() failed
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_snmp->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_tabfile->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_time->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_static->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_external->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_mrtg->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_cactithold->Init()
DEBUG: [Init@WeatherMapDataSource_cactithold.php:74] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData CactiTHold: Can only run from Cacti environment. [THOLD004]
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:740] configs/TESTMAP: Removing WeatherMapDataSource_cactithold from Data Source list, since Init() failed
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:732] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapDataSource_dbsample->Init()
DEBUG: [DatasourceInit@Weathermap.class.php:745] configs/TESTMAP: Finished Initialising Plugins...
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:854] configs/TESTMAP: ======================================
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:855] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Updating link data for all links and nodes
DEBUG: [ProcessTargets@Weathermap.class.php:750] configs/TESTMAP: Preprocessing targets
DEBUG: [ProcessTargets@Weathermap.class.php:755] configs/TESTMAP: Preprocessing targets
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:862] configs/TESTMAP: ======================================
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:863] configs/TESTMAP: Starting prefetch
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:869] configs/TESTMAP: ======================================
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:870] configs/TESTMAP: Starting main collection loop
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:891] configs/TESTMAP:
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:892] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData for LINK :: DEFAULT :::
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:973] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Skipping LINK :: DEFAULT :: that looks like a template
.DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC :: DEFAULT :: DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC :: DEFAULT :: DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalekey='0_0' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalekey='0_0' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscaletag='' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscaletag='' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:1031] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Setting 0,0
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:891] configs/TESTMAP:
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:892] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData for LINK DEFAULT:
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:973] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Skipping LINK DEFAULT that looks like a template
.DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC DEFAULT DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC DEFAULT DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalekey='0_0' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalekey='0_0' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscaletag='' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscaletag='' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:1031] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Setting 0,0
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:891] configs/TESTMAP:
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:892] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData for NODE :: DEFAULT :::
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:973] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Skipping NODE :: DEFAULT :: that looks like a template
.DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC :: DEFAULT :: DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC :: DEFAULT :: DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalekey='0_0' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalekey='0_0' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscaletag='' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscaletag='' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to :: DEFAULT ::
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:1031] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Setting 0,0
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:891] configs/TESTMAP:
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:892] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData for NODE DEFAULT:
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:973] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Skipping NODE DEFAULT that looks like a template
.DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC DEFAULT DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC DEFAULT DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalekey='0_0' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalekey='0_0' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscaletag='' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscaletag='' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to DEFAULT
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:1031] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Setting 0,0
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:891] configs/TESTMAP:
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:892] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData for NODE node05076:
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:968] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: No targets for NODE node05076
DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC node05076 DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [NewColourFromPercent@Weathermap.class.php:1256] configs/TESTMAP: NCFPC node05076 DEFAULT 0 '' 0_0 192 192 192
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalekey='0_0' to node05076
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalekey='0_0' to node05076
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscaletag='' to node05076
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscaletag='' to node05076
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note inscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to node05076
DEBUG: [add_note@Weathermap.class.php:106] configs/TESTMAP: Adding note outscalecolor='#c0c0c0' to node05076
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:1031] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData: Setting 0,0
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:1035] configs/TESTMAP: ReadData Completed.
DEBUG: [ReadData@Weathermap.class.php:1036] configs/TESTMAP: ------------------------------
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3375] configs/TESTMAP: Trace: DrawMap()
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3387] configs/TESTMAP: Running Post-Processing Plugins...
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3390] configs/TESTMAP: Running WeatherMapPostProcessorTest->run()
DEBUG: [run@WeatherMapPostProcessorTest.php:26] configs/TESTMAP: WeatherMapPostProcessorTest Not Enabled
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3395] configs/TESTMAP: Finished Post-Processing Plugins...
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3397] configs/TESTMAP: =====================================
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3398] configs/TESTMAP: Start of Map Drawing
PHP Warning: strftime(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/New_York' for 'EDT/-4.0/DST' instead in /var/www/cacti/plugins/weathermap/Weathermap.class.php on line 3400
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 KEYTEXT (0,0,0)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 KEYOUTLINE (0,0,0)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 KEYBG (255,255,255)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 BG (255,255,255)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 TITLE (0,0,0)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 TIME (0,0,0)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 0_0 (192,192,192)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 0_1 (255,255,255)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 1_10 (140,0,255)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 10_25 (32,32,255)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 25_40 (0,192,255)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 40_55 (0,240,0)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 55_70 (240,240,0)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 70_85 (255,192,0)
DEBUG: [AllocateScaleColours@Weathermap.class.php:3366] configs/TESTMAP: AllocateScaleColours: DEFAULT/gdref1 85_100 (255,0,0)
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3461] configs/TESTMAP: Pre-rendering :: DEFAULT :: to get bounding boxes.
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3461] configs/TESTMAP: Pre-rendering DEFAULT to get bounding boxes.
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3461] configs/TESTMAP: Pre-rendering node05076 to get bounding boxes.
DEBUG: [pre_render@WeatherMapNode.class.php:249] configs/TESTMAP: Node->pre_render: node05076 Label Metrics are: 28 x 13 -> 32 x 17
DEBUG: [pre_render@WeatherMapNode.class.php:455] configs/TESTMAP: If this is the last thing in your logs, you probably have a buggy GD library. Get > 2.0.33 or use PHP builtin.
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3471] configs/TESTMAP: Drawing layer 0
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3471] configs/TESTMAP: Drawing layer 300
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3471] configs/TESTMAP: Drawing layer 600
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3521] configs/TESTMAP: Drawing NODE node05076
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3529] configs/TESTMAP: Adding imagemap areaDEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3529] configs/TESTMAP: Adding imagemap areaDEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3532] configs/TESTMAP: Added 2 bounding boxes too
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3471] configs/TESTMAP: Drawing layer 1000
DEBUG: [DrawMap@Weathermap.class.php:3477] configs/TESTMAP: Drawing KEY for DEFAULT if necessary.
WARNING: configs/TESTMAP: Failed to write map image. No function existed for the image format you requested. [WMWARN12]
DEBUG: [@weathermap:254] configs/TESTMAP: Writing HTML to TESTMAP
DEBUG: [MakeHTML@Weathermap.class.php:3924] configs/TESTMAP: Trace: MakeHTML()
DEBUG: [PreloadMapHTML@Weathermap.class.php:3702] configs/TESTMAP: Trace: PreloadMapHTML()
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3970] configs/TESTMAP: Starting to dump imagemap in reverse Z-order...
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3975] configs/TESTMAP: Writing HTML for layer 1000
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3979] configs/TESTMAP: Found things for layer 1000
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3983] configs/TESTMAP: Builtins fit here.
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3975] configs/TESTMAP: Writing HTML for layer 600
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3979] configs/TESTMAP: Found things for layer 600
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3997] configs/TESTMAP: Writing NODE:N104: from imagemap
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3975] configs/TESTMAP: Writing HTML for layer 300
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3979] configs/TESTMAP: Found things for layer 300
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3975] configs/TESTMAP: Writing HTML for layer 0
DEBUG: [SortedImagemap@Weathermap.class.php:3979] configs/TESTMAP: Found things for layer 0

and nothing is generated in output folder :( I have checked support for my gd library , it has JPEG SUPPORT , PNG SUPPORT, GIF READ SUPPORT and GIF CREATE SUPPORT.

No idea what else shall I look for ...
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Re: Weathermap permnissions

Post by Howie »

--output output/

There should be a filename there too!

So it's looking at the file extension to figure out what kind of file to write, and there isn't one, or a filename, so... it must be lack of support in PHP.

This is not a great error message - I'll improve that.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:06 am

Re: Weathermap permnissions

Post by bartc »

Thank you for help.

I have changed it to /output/TESTMAP.png and added --htmloutput output/TESTMAP.html (Initially I thought filenames will be the ones that we define in config file). Now both files are there, still no TESTMAP.thumb.png file. In GUI there are still no thumbnails or maps since it looks for alphanumeric strings filenames (50a89c059ddfeb77c505.*) and not TESTMAP.* files. Additionally I have discovered that there are no logs in cacti.log about "weathermap" even after enabling debug. So now tu sum up:

1. Poller does not automatically run weathermap script (my version of cacti is 0.8.8b and weathermap 0.91a, I had also tested with 0.98c)

2. Even when running weathermap manually , no thumbnails are generated and filenames will not match files that GUI is looking for.

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Re: Weathermap permnissions

Post by Howie »

The gui doesn't know anything about your manual command-line runs. It only looks in the Cacti database for information about which configurations to run.

It runs as part of the cacti poller to generate maps. It decides which maps to generate from the Manage..Weathermaps menu in Cacti. You need to choose Add in there and pick your config file (which must be in the configs/ directory). THEN everything should work as you expect.

Weathermap 0.91a is *incredibly* old. (actually, there isn't a 0.91a according to the website, just 0.91 and 0.92 - both 7 years ago)
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
Posts: 17
Joined: Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:06 am

Re: Weathermap permnissions

Post by bartc »

I meant 0.98 , 0.91 was typeo , I had all the maps already added , I am the one of very few that actually reads manuals before asking questions ;)

Do you have any other ideas what could it be? according to me poller fails to generate maps since there are no logs in cacti.log about weathermap. Does poller reach out to weathermap script from weathermap directory while generating maps ?

Trying to understand how does poller interact so I can find the issue.
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