Somehow I found that the data source has set the maximum value. Lately I found so because the polling results reached the max and it isn't being graphed.
I changed but somehow the graph isn't updated. I tested it by creating a new host with the same IP and with the same template, and the graph looks fine(no more maximum).
Now my problem is, is there any way I can update the old graph with no more maximum value with old data?
Thanks to all experts here.
Update old graphs after maximum value being changed
Moderators: Developers, Moderators
Re: Update old graphs after maximum value being changed
After changing the value inside the web interface you will need to run 'rrdtool tune' on the RRD file associated with the graph manually. The reason your new graph works is because when the graph was created it had the new maximum setting defined in the RRD file. The existing RRD file doesn't get updated automatically by changing it through the web interface. You can find the RRD associated with the graph by going to the graph in the "Graph Management" section of the Admin Interface and clicking "Turn on Graph Debug Mode." In there you'll see something like this:
Then on the command line run something like
rrdtool tune /var/lib/cacti/rra/your_favorite_host_0.rrd --maximum ds-name:max
Obviously replace ds-name and max with your own values.
Then on the command line run something like
rrdtool tune /var/lib/cacti/rra/your_favorite_host_0.rrd --maximum ds-name:max
Obviously replace ds-name and max with your own values.
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