Threshold Script Parameters

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Threshold Script Parameters

Post by dsxbertz »

Hi group,

I have been searching the forums and documentation for a while and have yet to find anything that lays out what I'm looking for with the thold plugin. So here is my need that I am trying to solve. I have a standard cacti setup with php, mysql, windows iis, etc I can provide the details as needed but the main two of concern are cacti is running 0.8.8b and thold is latest. I would like to execute a script when a threshold is reached. When the script is called I would like to pass the hostname/ip and port to the script so the script can then take actions based on the trigger. I have tried placing the script that I was to execute (both a .php and .sh) in the base dir under /thold/scripts and /plugins/thold/scripts. When I go to add the script in the threshold configuration it never shows up.

So is this the correction location or where is this defined?

Second question is in the Field that is labeled "Script Arguments" is there a defined list of arguments that can be used to pass the host/port to the script that would then be dynamic and change depending on the port that triggers the threshold?

Thanks in advance for your help!!

Keep up the great work.
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Re: Threshold Script Parameters

Post by cigamit »

Thold has not officially shipped with any ability to run scripts when a threshold is breached. If you are running this from thold svn trunk branch, then that work is completely pre-alpha and not complete and not expected to work at all (and thus unsupported).
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Re: Threshold Script Parameters

Post by dsxbertz »

Is there any way that I could test any part of this or help indevelopment. I have a strong need to get this working. I have a customer that is looking to to configure a port on a switch and then trigger a wireshark when this is triggered. That piece is tested and working the only piece that is needed is to call the script with those two variables.
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