Monitoring monthly data transfered with thold

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Monitoring monthly data transfered with thold

Post by anuragbhatia »

Hello there!

I am having slightly hard time in figuring out on how to make Thold monitor "data transferred" and alert based on that. I have usual graph of "In/Out bits with Total bandwidth". Now Total bandwidth per day, per week, per month does appears in graph but I guess there's no way for Thold to monitor it and put alert based on "Alert1: 100GB monthly data transfered", Alert2: "200 GB monthly data transferred" etc for clients.

I read somewhere that Thold can't do this directly and way around is by creating separate graph which just shows data transferred. Is it so? If yes then how to create such graph? I tried tweaking template but not sure how can I get such graph which has data transfered per day on Y axis and days on X axis.

Thanks in advance! :)
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Re: Monitoring monthly data transfered with thold

Post by beerygaz »

anuragbhatia, did you ever find a solution to this, I'm trying to solve the same problem.
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