Unable to login after configuration page

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Unable to login after configuration page

Post by da5id »

Hi all...

My conf : SME server 5.5 update 2...

I did the install of Cacti with no problem at all, the configuration went perfectly, and then I get to the login page for the first time...

I type admin/admin, as written in the how to, and nothing happens, I just go back to an empty registration screen, no error messages, no nothing...

If I try to connect as guest/guest, I have a message of Invalid Username/password in red...

I don't want to apply the workaround for openig cacti to all connections without a password... I tried that before, it works, but you have no rights to change the settings...

I had an Idea...

The cacti password is in the sql database no ? isn't it possible to change it directly there ? and then connect with the new user /pass ...

Another solution would be to try and bruteforce the password for the first connection... dunno how to do that against a perl logon script...

If u know the solution for the first connection, please tell me, I sort of don't have ideas anymore.
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Post by raX »

Yes, the password is stored in the MySQL database. You can change it by running the following SQL:

Code: Select all

update auth_users set password=PASSWORD('passgoeshere') where username='admin';
da 5id

Tried, no avail...

Post by da 5id »

I tried changing the password, it doesn't work...

seem the problem is at the moment the authentication happen, the forward to the next screen don't...

but authentification works, as I have no error message...
I checked every other tip on the cookies, auth on, sessions opened and such

It's just the redirecting that doesn't work.

Dunno what happen... I'm no coder 8(

Well, I tried... will wait some more with it on my machine, and see if someone can browse the code again...

Thx for taking the time Rax 8)
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Post by sedmonds »

I have run in to this issue configuring several PHP/mySQL enabled sites. Its known to many as the admin loop problem! A couple of things... check to be sure register_globals is set to 'On'. Also, follow the installation instructions closely and be sure that you first create the database, then run the included cacti.sql against it, and lastly update permissions on the database in that exact order.

I am using mySQL 3.23.49 and PHP 4.2.3 and had a problem where I would just create the database and assign the permissions rather than create the database, run the cacti.sql script, and then update permissions. It caused the admin loop for me.

Good luck.
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