Graph total values rather than rates

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Graph total values rather than rates

Post by Velociraptor »

From my understanding, as of v0.8.8b Cacti can only graph rates (apples per second), but it cannot graph total values (apples). The reason for that is that rrdtool consolidates data by building averages. For example, the data in the weekly graph (which holds one value every 30 minutes) is calculated by building the average of the data in the daily graph (one value every 5 minutes).

Now, this is not very useful if I want to graph total kilowatt-hours or megabytes. From reading this...

...I understand that the function VDEF TOTAL in rrdtool would be the solution. Will this be available in cacti in the near future?
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Re: Graph total values rather than rates

Post by eweintra »

Pinging this thread to increase view, but I'm hoping this is something that can either be done soon or can be covered by some other CDEF.

Specifically, I have a graph which graphs how many of two different types of events occurred in the time period, and while it gives me a great view of the 5 minute intervals, I'd also like to be able to see in a straight GPRINT of the values aside from LAST,AVG,MIN, and MAX, a SUM of all the data points for the graph so I can see how many occurred over the entire period of time shown in the graph.

Any ideas?
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