Threshold Timeframe

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Threshold Timeframe

Post by kevsteez »

Is there a way for Cacti to send out threshold alarms after bandwidth has exceeded the threshold for x hours in a time period. For example, send out an alarm when bandwidth has exceeded threshold for more than 10 hours in a month.
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Re: Threshold Timeframe

Post by HBomb »

Well thats the thing with Thold I've realised, it has the 3 types which are great but the best uses would be if you could use features from each type at the same time

(like looking at the past but set the baseline to a fixed value instead of calculating it combining High/Low with Baseline Deviation or in your case Time Based combined with High/Low Values..)

Still though I'd experiment with setting
Trigger Count to 600 (10 hours if your polling cycle is every minute)
Time Period Length = 1 month
and specify whatever value disk space shouldnt excede.
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