possibility of using d3.js

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possibility of using d3.js

Post by trogs »

Question for Howie :)

I wondered if you had thought of generating weathermaps that use d3.js - http://d3js.org/ to display them, rather than static html/png images? We've been playing a bit internally with our graphite based system and come up with some nice looking weathermap type stuff, and would be cool to see our existing weathermaps in the same kinda format.. If I get some free time I may see if I can do it myself but just throwing this out there for now.

Might be something to look at for future direction anyhow.

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Re: possibility of using d3.js

Post by Howie »

trogs wrote:Question for Howie :)

I wondered if you had thought of generating weathermaps that use d3.js - http://d3js.org/ to display them, rather than static html/png images? We've been playing a bit internally with our graphite based system and come up with some nice looking weathermap type stuff, and would be cool to see our existing weathermaps in the same kinda format.. If I get some free time I may see if I can do it myself but just throwing this out there for now.

Might be something to look at for future direction anyhow.

Yes I have. I have parts of a project to rewrite the editor as a Backbone/Marionette/Bootstrap client-side app, and also looking at outputting SVG instead of a PNG.

d3 itself didn't seem to do quite what I wanted - I don't care about the live add/remove of entities, but I DO care about having something that basically looks identical to the existing PNG output (I mean that all styling and font options work the same). But something like it, with a link to a server-side broker for updated data (which can come from Cacti poller, Graphite, some message bus, or whatever) is definitely where I'd like to get to. At that point, potentially the editor could have live data in it, which would also be pretty cool, and also data updated at different frequencies - what if the Cacti realtime plugin could send those updates to weathermap? You can have 5 minute updates on most things, and 5 second updates on the link you are working on!

So my roadmap after the next release (0.98 - with performance improvements mainly) is (in order):
* new editor, still using images but with svg overlay for selecting items - client-side JS+Editing API, picker plugins, better/total coverage of config options.
* SVG output covering full weathermap featureset
* "data hub" to allow different feeds into weathermap client-side

I have some POC stuff for the editor, and some very basic POC stuff for the SVG at the moment (the way WM draws curved links is kind of fiddly to replicate in SVG, for example).
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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