mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by JVandermark »

I am using your plugin, it's great! Thanks for giving your time and talent.

Can you consider adding the following to your list of features?

* Ability to change polled times (rrd_step & rrd_heartbeat). I want it to match my 1 minute poller. It might be nice to change the polling times per URL as well, but guessing that might be rather complicated

* I'm having problems with the title where is it cut off (not a title field length issue). I get just the hostname (8 chars) and https://10.10.

* Wondering if you could create a custom field for the title? perhaps use suggested values in the data query if that field is blank.

* Since you are using curl options with SSL verify & host disabled, was wondering if you could create another test for just testing SSL? Something like this

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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by jamoflaw »

Hi JVandermark,
* Ability to change polled times (rrd_step & rrd_heartbeat). I want it to match my 1 minute poller. It might be nice to change the polling times per URL as well, but guessing that might be rather complicated
You should be able to do this without any change to the codebase. If you browse to Data Templates and select mURLin - URL Agent.

Add a tick to the Use Per-Data Source Value for Step and for Heartbeat. You will have to alter each heartbeat individually for each of the 10 items which are monitored (save between each)

When you create a new graph from the devices section it should now prompt you for those two values which you can change as required per graph :)

* I'm having problems with the title where is it cut off (not a title field length issue). I get just the hostname (8 chars) and https://10.10.
This is a cacti thing, it has a default graph title max length set in Settings\Visual\Graph Management\Maximum Title Length. At the same time it is worth adjusting the max data source title to be longer as well, I have mine both set to 100 chars.
* Wondering if you could create a custom field for the title? perhaps use suggested values in the data query if that field is blank.
This I am not sure of at the moment, I will have a look into what is possible

* Since you are using curl options with SSL verify & host disabled, was wondering if you could create another test for just testing SSL? Something like this
I guess there are two ways to go with this:

Graph the validation of the HTTPS certificate, similar to availability where its either true or false.


Give the option to choose whether or not to validate a certificate as part of the standard URL monitoring functions?

Personally I would like to implement the second option. Let me know if that meets your requirements and I will look into getting some time to put it together.

Hope that answers some of the questions :)

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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by enyap »

Hi James,

I hate to disagree, but it's not the title length that's causing the truncation. Mine is set to the default 80 chars yet it's still being truncated or to be more specific the URL portion is being truncated after 15 chars. I've tried changing the data queries max length (default 15) but that makes no difference.


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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by JVandermark »

After some debugging on the title, the cause is based on the value of 15 set in the settings table for cacti on hte max_data_query_field_length value.

The value is manipuled via lib/variables.php via this call to the substitute_snmp_query_data function:

Code: Select all

substitute_snmp_query_data(null_out_substitutions(substitute_host_data($title, "|", "|", $host_id)), $host_id, $snmp_query_id, $snmp_index, read_config_option("max_data_query_field_length"));
I set the value to 75 since my longest URL is 68 characters:

Code: Select all

UPDATE  `cacti`.`settings` SET  `value` =  '75' WHERE  `settings`.`name` =  'max_data_query_field_length';
and ran

Code: Select all

php -q cli/poller_graphs_reapply_names.php -id=All -d  -s="mURLin"
Should also update include/global_settings to reflect the change...

I am hoping that this doesn't cause issues elsewhere. I looked around for possible issues, but didn't see anything obvious

Now I get the complete URL in the graph. The problem now is the combination of host, graph type (avl, time, etc) and the URL exceeded the size allocated to the graph. I changed the size of the graphs to 200x700 and they fit for now. It still might be a good idea to find a way to shorten these somehow since I am actually monitoring URLS on the host and I don't really need the https://hostname/ values.

The suggested values in the data query are also backwards. IO believe that "Data Template - mURLin - URL Agent: should have a field name of "name" and "Graph Template - mURLin - URL Agent (Availability)" field value should be title.
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by jamoflaw »

Thats the one, its available in the GUI Settings/Visual/Data Queries/Maximum Field Length. Apologies I must have missed that one off my notes.

I have mine set to 100.

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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by aliu »

1) mURLin - URL Agent (Verbose Query) Uptime Goes Backwards Success [0 Items, 0 Rows]

Any one know why it returns 0 items from the device? But I can preview the downloaded text from the site in mURLin tab.
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by jamoflaw »

Have you refreshed the data query?
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by jamoflaw »

Just an update

I have recently released a tool to import bulk data into mURLin

See for more information

:) Any suggestions let me know
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by anihilat »

this plugin is still updated or author resigned from developing it ?

I think it is created for older version of cacti and have a lot of bugs now.
I try to unbug it, but it is hard work.

(i even can't add url map to host O_O)
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by zivley »

This topic seems old and inactive, but I'll try my luck anyway...
I've just installed cacti on Ubuntu 16.04 (from repo).
I downloaded this plugin and unzipped, but it doesn't appear in the list of plugins in cacti management console.
Any clues what could be the problem?
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by pengpenger »

I meet problem when install mURLin plugin, i use ubuntu 14.0 and the cacti version is 0.8.8b, i download the mURLin plugin on the ubuntu server, and extrat into Plugins directory, but in the cacti console, i can't find the web monitor plugin, could you give me some advice? thanks a lot.
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by pengpenger »

jamoflaw wrote:New release, v0.2.2, now supports cactiEZ's jQueryskin plugin and URL length modifications.

Any issues please post here or on the website at
it is a advertisement website, someone call tell me where to check the mURLin usage? thanks.
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by q33 »

Not sure if anyone will read this on such an old post, I am having the same issue. The plugin seems to be there if you actually put in http://cactiIP/plugins/murlin/murlin.php

This also assumed that you changed to directories from mURLin to murlin, as well as changed to owner and group from root to apache, and given chmod -r 777 to the murlin directory.

The web pages comes saying "You are not permitted to access this section of Cacti. If you feel that you need access to this particular section, please contact the Cacti administrator."

So it is there. It seems I can't get in because in Utilities/User Management/Admin user, murlin is not an available plugin in Realm Permissions.

I would be able to do without the tab if I could type in the path of the plugin. I have all the murlin graph and data templates loaded.

Not expecting an answer. If other fools are trying to get this possible-pretty-cool plugin to work, just letting you know where I decided stop.
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by netniV »

If I remember rightly there with the older version of Cacti there was another bit of code called the PlugIn Architecture (or PIA) and there were several versions of the PIA. I'm pretty sure if you update it, it can break other plugins so you have to make sure they are for the same PIA level.

However, assuming that is all correct, I would check your logs to see if there were any errors which disabled the plugin. When a plugin becomes disabled, so do it's realms and tabs. Because most plugins include the auth page, this will automatically prevent access to them if the realm doesn't exist for security purposes.

Additionally, just because the plugin is installed, it doesn't give you automatic access to a realm. Check the user/group has access on the permission pages. You may find there is an extra box that is unticked by default.
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Re: mURLin - URL Monitoring with Cacti

Post by taligsik »

Author's the old site is gone. I tried to access the archive here: ... age_id=274
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