Separate THOLD Poller?

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Separate THOLD Poller?

Post by smcline06 »

In our environment we have a few hundred hosts with 70-100k data sources with 1 minute pollers. Cacti only takes 8-10 seconds to gather all the values (thanks to Boost) though THOLD takes 60-100 seconds to check alerts.

That is causing some scaling issues and I wanted to know what anyone else has done to improve THOLD's speed or is it possible to uncouple Cacti+THOLD polling process? Basically I would like to manually (via cron for example) check for alarts every 5 minutes outside of cacti's polling process so they are 2 separate entities. Is this somehow possible?

I currently use the most up2date THOLD version with cacti 0.8.8a and 0.8.7i (we have several instances)
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Re: Separate THOLD Poller?

Post by mcutting »

The problem here is that THOLD uses the poller_output table, which is populated on the fly when the poller runs. THOLD used to read the RRD values, although this turned out to be very slow, hence the above method.

I doubt that decoupling is possible owing to this - I could be wrong however. A question for Cigamit.
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Cacti OS Ubuntu LTS
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.7
Poller Information
Type SPINE 0.8.8b
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