Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

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Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

Post by HBomb »

I had "When Index Count Chages" set up and was reindexing when a switch had ports coming up or down. Good.
On one such device (whit a lot of ports coming up or down often) I deliberately changed, through the gui, by removing and re-adding the interface query, from Index Count to Verify All. The device still was reindex when ports came up and down. Good.

On a few other devices I had "Verify All Fields". Those devices were down. They came up, they Did Not get reindexed. Isn't uptime part of the conditions that'll trigger when Verify All is used? Even such, those devices had only 3 graphs (Cisco template mem/cpu/procmem) Clearly they had a LOT more stuff cached up when the queries started working. No stuff cached < (less than) Many stuff. Why wasn't a reindex event triggered then?? No indexed items is less than "some" indexed items right?

What Exactly are the differences between those methods? Do you have any flowcharts or whatever depicting when things happen depending on input/conditions?

Code: Select all

General Information
Date	Fri, 27 Sep 2013 16:32:42 +0100
Cacti Version	0.8.8a
Cacti OS	unix
SNMP Version	NET-SNMP version: 5.5
RRDTool Version	RRDTool 1.3.x
Hosts	179
Graphs	3760
Data Sources	SNMP: 715
SNMP Query: 3245
Script - Script Server (PHP): 6
Script Query - Script Server: 12
Total: 3978
Poller Information
Interval	60
Type	SPINE 0.8.8 Copyright 2002-2012 by The Cacti Group
Items	Action[0]: 7205
Action[2]: 34
Total: 7239
Concurrent Processes	1
Max Threads	30
PHP Servers	10
Script Timeout	180
Max OID	50
Last Run Statistics	Time:9.8951 Method:spine Processes:1 Threads:30 Hosts:180 HostsPerProcess:180 DataSources:7239 RRDsProcessed:0
PHP Information
PHP Version	5.3.3
PHP OS	Linux
PHP uname	Linux cati-internal 2.6.32-279.9.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 25 21:43:11 UTC 2012 x86_64
PHP SNMP	Installed
max_execution_time	180
memory_limit	512M
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Re: Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

Post by gandalf »

The "Verify All Fields" is a bit misleading. It should better named "Verify All Index Fields", where the index fields are defined by the XML for that data query in the order listed.
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Re: Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

Post by HBomb »

Thanks. Interesting, would be nice if there was an option to look at the uptime as well I suppose.
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Re: Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

Post by gandalf »

HBomb wrote:Thanks. Interesting, would be nice if there was an option to look at the uptime as well I suppose.
Please explain. I don't get what you want
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Re: Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

Post by HBomb »

A "check all" condition, uptime, index count change, indexed fields altogether. So a host will be recached when virtually any change has been detected.
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Re: Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

Post by gandalf »

This would be an option, but at high costs. And I fear that some will use that as a swiss knife. Please know, that reindexing is not threaded right now and may cause issues when run too often.
So I won't say "no" to this approach, even if I personally dislike it a bit
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Re: Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

Post by HBomb »

Do you refer to the possibility of statistically increasing the re-index events because more conditions can match? Interesting. I have one cacti with hosts being reindexed quite often and it's fine as long it takes less than a second (and AUTOM8 runs as well just to see that actually no graphs needed creating I suppose that'll have its performance hit). On another I had a very big host with the same thing but since the indexed items were so many (212960 Items, 26616 Rows atm lol) it sometimes took more than 30 seconds to reindex it and that happening every few minutes was a bit detrimental indeed. (so I set that one to Uptime Goes Backwards..)
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Re: Re-Indexing Difference Between Methods

Post by HBomb »

Yeah I can deffo confirm the behaviour in the following conditions:

Host was not up as of adding to cacti. (Re-index: "Verify All Fields")
- The host comes up. Not reindexed.

Host was not up as of adding to cacti. (Re-index: "Index Count Changed")
- The host comes up. Host reindexed, my various AUTOM8 rules get applied.

When the number of indexed items changes for both cases (on hosts already Up) they get reindexed. It's a bit more complicated for me to test if changes to the contents of the indexed fields though. (I suppose this is here post is more a documentation to myself rather than anything else lol)
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