You can find out more about this technique here:
This template was just a proof of concept, I modified the template from here: and my perl script is based on the one from Diggit in that thread.
Here's what you need to know, first you need to have the wmic executable, follow the first post I linked to to get it. At the top line of you might need to modify the path to it, I keep mine in /var/www/cacti/scripts
Code: Select all
The script sould be placed in your cacti/scripts directory.
If you want to test the script from the command line, it takes the following arguments:
Code: Select all
./ <hostname> <username> <password>
I hope I haven't made this sound complicated, I have tried several ways of managing Windows servers from Linux, Wbem gateways, nsclient etc and this is the easiest plus it doesn't involve having anything installed on the Windows server which can be an issue in some production environments.
I hope this works out as I plan on converting a number of exisitng WMI templates over to this method.
Graph template was exported with dependancies from Cacti version 0.8.7b