thold potential issue

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thold potential issue

Post by Mattz0r »

Hello Guys,

Using thold version.. 0.4.9 at the moment, and there is an issue with the alerts that come through,

The values on the graph, don't match up with the value of the alert.

The graphs are updated every 5 minutes, and thold checks every 5 minutes, assuming that the 5 minutes are in sync (no idea how to find this out) there's no reason why the values should differ, right?

I've attached an example for you.

Anyone have any idea?



EDIT: Sorry about the attachment, I thought the forum system would thumbnail it....
thold-example.jpg (118.61 KiB) Viewed 683 times
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Re: thold potential issue

Post by predkambrij »

That's because attached graph has too big (12hours) span. That can be solved if emails would include shorter time span by default and user could change that in cacti where that warning will be present (current value may differ with title in email) so that there won't confusion.
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