KILO formatting for LABELS

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KILO formatting for LABELS

Post by jeremeguenther »

Hi All,

I have been searching everywhere for an answer to this issue. I'm using the KILO keyword to change weathermaps default calculations from 1000 to 1024, however it is not affecting the labels formatted with %k.

I am trying to monitor the used space on my hard drives, but as the size of drive increases weathermaps calculation gets further and further off. Currently I have come up with this work around.

Code: Select all

NODE TemplateHD
	LABEL {node:this:hd}: {node:this:bandwidth_in:%0.2f}G
	INFOURL /cacti/graph.php?rra_id=all&local_graph_id={node:this:graphid}
	OVERLIBGRAPH /cacti/graph_image.php?local_graph_id={node:this:graphid}&rra_id=0&graph_nolegend=true&graph_height=100&graph_width=300
	TARGET scale:.0000000009313225746154785:{map:cacti_path_rra}/{node:this:rrdfile}:hdd_used:-
using the scale modifier and passing in the decimal equivalent of dividing by 1024*1024*1024 I am able to convert the value to the correct GB value. While it works, it is not quite as clean as the built in %k formatter, especially for drives larger than 1TB. Is there currently any way to get the KILO keyword to affect the formatting calculations in addition to the scale calculations?
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Re: KILO formatting for LABELS

Post by Howie »

Ooops! You are correct. That has probably been broken for some time.

I'll get a fix tonight, and make sure it's in the next version, too. It'll probably be a one-line thing, so I'll paste the change here too.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
(Let me know if you have UK DevOps or Network Ops opportunities, too!)
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