interface stats for thold wrong ever since upgrade to 0.5.0

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interface stats for thold wrong ever since upgrade to 0.5.0

Post by sbmileone »

I have been using cacti and thold for a while now mainly for monitoring the bandwidth usage on my router links. Recently I upgraded to cacti 0.88a and thold 0.5.0 and since then I have had a rough time trying to figure out what is going on with the interface numbers only within thold. The graphs are still right but regardless of what option I set in the threshold template I cannot get a number that makes sense. For example if one of my lines is using 768Kbps of bandwidth I am seeing a raw number of 3,562.0451 ... I am not sure how the math works on that but nothing I have found will convert that to a usable number. before upgrading I would just set CDEF bytes to bits and be good. Now I am not sure what to do.

Any help would be great. BTW FreeBSD 9.1 Apache/2.4.4 PHP/5.4.17
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