Changeing polling interval from 1 minute to 5 minutes

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Changeing polling interval from 1 minute to 5 minutes

Post by GreyHunter »

Dears Cacti professionals,

This is my first thread here and hope to find useful suggestions and recommendation from you.

Due to so many busy devices, i had to shift back to use 5 minutes poller interval other than the 1 minute polling used now after being using it for the last 2 yesrs. The poller couldn't finish polling within the 60 seconds range therefore i got so many timeout errors.

My questions are:

- Is there any drawbacks/ problems that may arise by shifting back to the 5 minutes polling?
- Is this going to affect the already existing rrd files and graphs?
- What modifications should be made other than changing Poller Interval, Cron interval, and cronjob on the server to become */5 ?

Any suggestions and/or recommendations would be great.

Many thanks,

Cacti ver.: 0.8.7g
Poller: spine
rrdtool ver.: 1.2.30
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Re: Changeing polling interval from 1 minute to 5 minutes

Post by paulgevers »

If I understand everything well enough, your current rrd files are tuned to get 1 minute updates, so I expect all your new data to show up as NaN, as too much data is missing. Maybe you can export the data from the rrd files, recreate them with the right configuration and import the (modified) data again. Not something I would like to do thought.
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Re: Changeing polling interval from 1 minute to 5 minutes

Post by GreyHunter »

paulgevers wrote:If I understand everything well enough, your current rrd files are tuned to get 1 minute updates, so I expect all your new data to show up as NaN, as too much data is missing. Maybe you can export the data from the rrd files, recreate them with the right configuration and import the (modified) data again. Not something I would like to do thought.

Thanks Paul for the great contribution on this thread.

How can i export it and modify it? i guess its a xml manipulation?

Any recommendations guys? What about the other modification should be applied?
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Re: Changeing polling interval from 1 minute to 5 minutes

Post by paulgevers »

Isn't this documentation what you are looking for?
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