Every 2-3 polling cycles, thold returns a negative value for the host, which is obviously not correct. This is genarating a lot of false alarms.
06/21/2011 03:46:49 PM - THOLD: Threshold Breached ID: 1 DataTemplate: Juniper Qos Data DataSource: bytes Type: High/Low Enabled: on Current: -6538.1005 High: Low: 1024.00 Trigger: Never SentTo: <email>
06/21/2011 03:46:49 PM - SYSTEM THOLD STATS: Time:0.0724 Tholds:1 Hosts:0
06/21/2011 03:51:52 PM - THOLD: Threshold Restored ID: 1 DataTemplate: Juniper Qos Data DataSource: bytes Type: High/Low Enabled: on Current: 3454.2234 High: Low: 1024.00 Trigger: Never SentTo: <email>
06/21/2011 03:51:52 PM - SYSTEM THOLD STATS: Time:0.0693 Tholds:1 Hosts:0
06/21/2011 03:57:05 PM - SYSTEM THOLD STATS: Time:0.0058 Tholds:1 Hosts:0
06/21/2011 04:01:52 PM - THOLD: Threshold Breached ID: 1 DataTemplate: Juniper Qos Data DataSource: bytes Type: High/Low Enabled: on Current: -6996.8089 High: Low: 1024.00 Trigger: Never SentTo: <email>
06/21/2011 04:01:52 PM - SYSTEM THOLD STATS: Time:0.0640 Tholds:1 Hosts:0
The actual graph never has a negative value. And if I go into Thresholds -> <Click on Threshold Name> ------> the current value here is always the correct +ve value.
Anyone come across this before?