Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd file

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Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd file

Post by rsanto »

Hi folks,

I'm a newby on this forum but not new in cacti. I have a 2 servers infrasctruture in a pooler/db working arquitecture with 4937 hosts and 147809 data sources. today I added a templated created based on OIDs from Cisco to collect some QoS information but when I created graphs nothing hapends. There is no new entry on pooler cache and the entry on create new graph does not goes disabled or grayed out.

I've used this forum to aswer most of my questions but know I hit a dead end and I'm posting this for some help.

I'm running cacti 0.8.7e on centos 5.5 and I'll attached the rest of the configured data query

thanks in advanced,

(640 Bytes) Downloaded 77 times
(523.79 KiB) Downloaded 83 times
debug query.txt
(167.88 KiB) Downloaded 115 times
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by gandalf »

The screenshots and the Debug output look fine.
But the XML file includes the direct call to "perl ...". At least when using spine, you should provide /full/path/to/perl. When using commands within that QoS script, some restriction applies. But all this IMHO is not the root cause for your issue.

As the table is shown on "Create Graphs for this Host", I assume, that the snmp cache has all values stored for that very data query. You may verify this from "System Utilities -> View Poller Cache". So, as Debug Data Query shows all data, I assume that the Data Query is working fine so far (as your cli output shows as well).
That, in turn, suggests that we have a bug in the part of the code that handles the Poller Cache entry; e.g. when filtering valid/invalid characters or whatever. Not having a poller cache entry will cause lines of the SNMP table not being greyed out - so that's a result of the first error.

To continue debugging, please goto "Create Graphs for this Host", then switch logging level to DEBUG on a second tab. Now create the graph you need and save the cacti.log debug output for further analysis.

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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by rsanto »

Hello Gandalf,

First of all thanks for you reply and let me congratulate you for the nice work with cacti and this forum. I took you sugestion and replace "perl" with "/usr/bin/perl" on the xml file as a good practice.

I add a new graph and turn log level to debug (Settings->General) but when I search for the rrd file created there is no result returned. I also tried to search by script, hostname and ip but there is no filtered lines from the log file displayed. On other think, I'm using the tag |query_ClassMap| for the graph title and is not able to return the value. Gandalf, can you please tell me what o search for on the log file? With the amount of data sources on this system the log in debug mode is not very easy to read

Best Regards,

gandalf wrote:The screenshots and the Debug output look fine.
But the XML file includes the direct call to "perl ...". At least when using spine, you should provide /full/path/to/perl. When using commands within that QoS script, some restriction applies. But all this IMHO is not the root cause for your issue.

As the table is shown on "Create Graphs for this Host", I assume, that the snmp cache has all values stored for that very data query. You may verify this from "System Utilities -> View Poller Cache". So, as Debug Data Query shows all data, I assume that the Data Query is working fine so far (as your cli output shows as well).
That, in turn, suggests that we have a bug in the part of the code that handles the Poller Cache entry; e.g. when filtering valid/invalid characters or whatever. Not having a poller cache entry will cause lines of the SNMP table not being greyed out - so that's a result of the first error.

To continue debugging, please goto "Create Graphs for this Host", then switch logging level to DEBUG on a second tab. Now create the graph you need and save the cacti.log debug output for further analysis.

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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by gandalf »

rsanto wrote:... I'm using the tag |query_ClassMap| for the graph title and is not able to return the value...
Oops. The verbose debug output shows data for this. And you say that you don't find them at "System Utilities -> View SNMP Cache"?
Then, please tell us what you find at "System Utilities -> View SNMP Cache", regarding this Data Query.
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by rsanto »

On SNMP Cache I can see:

Host: tlv1erip001 , SNMP Query: QoS_Cisco
Index: 10.1.1857248069.1722653334 , Field Name: ClassMap , Field Value: class-default
Host: tlv1erip001 , SNMP Query: QoS_Cisco
Index: 11.1.456907900.1637086963 , Field Name: ClassMap , Field Value: class-default
Host: tlv1erip001 , SNMP Query: QoS_Cisco
Index: 147.1.1214566571.1099705480 , Field Name: ClassMap , Field Value: EDGE-BSOD-SILVER
Host: tlv1erip001 , SNMP Query: QoS_Cisco
Index: 147.1.1214566571.124048899 , Field Name: ClassMap , Field Value: EDGE-BSOD-BRONZE
Host: tlv1erip001 , SNMP Query: QoS_Cisco
Index: 147.1.1214566571.1275196563 , Field Name: ClassMap , Field Value: EDGE-BSOD-BE
Host: tlv1erip001 , SNMP Query: QoS_Cisco
Index: 147.1.1214566571.1472420978 , Field Name: ClassMap , Field Value: EDGE-BSOD-VOICE
Host: tlv1erip001 , SNMP Query: QoS_Cisco
Index: 147.1.1214566571.1787761350 , Field Name: ClassMap , Field Value: EDGE-BSOD-ROUTING

but on the graph there is no returned value. I attached a print screen.
newgraph.JPG (85.19 KiB) Viewed 2459 times
I was looking on Pooler cache and not SNMP cache. On SNMP Cache I have 1938 entries associated with the queries for Policy, ClassMap, etc.

I also tailed the log file on DEBUG mode and found this:

[root@cacti01pc01 log]# tail -f cacti.log | grep ClassMap
01/28/2013 04:30:09 PM - WEBLOG: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool graph - --imgformat=PNG --start=-86400 --end=-300 --title="tlv1erip001 |query_ClassMap| - qosCMDropByte64" --base=1000 --height=120 --width=500 --alt-autoscale-max --lower-limit=0 --vertical-label="bytes" --slope-mode --font TITLE:8: --font AXIS:8: --font LEGEND:8: --font UNIT:8: DEF:a="/var/www/cacti/rra/24678/1316608.rrd":qosCMDropByte64:AVERAGE LINE1:a#FF0000FF:"|query_ClassMap|" GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf%s" GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.2lf%s" GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf%s\n"
01/28/2013 04:30:16 PM - WEBLOG: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool graph - --imgformat=PNG --start=-86400 --end=-300 --title="tlv1erip001 |query_ClassMap| - qosCMDropByte64" --base=1000 --height=120 --width=500 --alt-autoscale-max --lower-limit=0 --vertical-label="bytes" --slope-mode --font TITLE:8: --font AXIS:8: --font LEGEND:8: --font UNIT:8: DEF:a="/var/www/cacti/rra/24678/1316608.rrd":qosCMDropByte64:AVERAGE LINE1:a#FF0000FF:"|query_ClassMap|" GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf%s" GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.2lf%s" GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf%s\n"
01/28/2013 04:30:17 PM - WEBLOG: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/bin/rrdtool graph - --imgformat=PNG --start=-86400 --end=-300 --title="tlv1erip001 |query_ClassMap| - qosCMDropByte64" --base=1000 --height=120 --width=500 --alt-autoscale-max --lower-limit=0 --vertical-label="bytes" --slope-mode --font TITLE:8: --font AXIS:8: --font LEGEND:8: --font UNIT:8: DEF:a="/var/www/cacti/rra/24678/1316608.rrd":qosCMDropByte64:AVERAGE LINE1:a#FF0000FF:"|query_ClassMap|" GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf%s" GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.2lf%s" GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf%s\n"

Is this a cause of not having graphs os a reason for the errors creating new ones?
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by gandalf »

To resolve the graph title issue:
- visit the graph template
- check the checkbox on the "title" line
- goto graph management
- filter for that graph template and check all graphs
- select "Reapply Suggested Values" from dropdown

that should do it.
But that won't affect the poller cache. This is still empty, regarding this template?
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by rsanto »

I did what you wrote but still no ClassMap showing,

I create new graph after checking title on grapth template and now cacti askes me when creating a graph:

Create 1 Graph from 'QoS_Cisco'
Graph [Template: qosCMPrePolicyByte64]
Title (--title) |host_description| |query_ClassMap| - qosCMPrePolicyByte64
The name that is printed on the graph.

Is is the same as before:
Capture.JPG (55.42 KiB) Viewed 2452 times
And the pooler cache has no entrys using script. Could this be because I'm using ";" as a field separator on xml?
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by rsanto »

Anyone has any idea with this isn't working?
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by gandalf »

Can't imagine. Online session possible?
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by rsanto »

gandalf wrote:Can't imagine. Online session possible?
Sure! You can acess via my machine with teamviewer. When do you want to schedule this?

thanks in advanced
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by gandalf »

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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by rsanto »

I get the message:

"You are not authorised to read private messages"
gandalf wrote:PM sent
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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by gandalf »

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Re: Help...dataquery not in pooler cache and now new rrd fil

Post by wavysong »

i study the document ... alkthrough

and i make my local php and xml files,the same as its in document above.

i also found the oid is missing in snmp cache under "System Utilities"

coud anybody has some suggestion.
333.jpg (41.71 KiB) Viewed 2156 times
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