l'm trying to setup a new xml file for gathering SNMP stats for an Alcatel-Lucent 7750 router.
The MIB i'm interesting in is structured as follow :
- 3 distincts tables : SvcBaseInfo, SapBaseInfo, SapIngQosQueueStats.
- I want to graph 2 OID from the last table SapIngQosQueueStats, but to present correctly the different data to the operator, so that he can make a good selection (which service, sap and queue) to graph, I need to present data coming from other tables.
Here are a summary of the table structure :
Table SvcbaseInfo :
- SvcId (index) : .
- SvcType : .
- SvcDescription : .
- The IndexValue for this table is field : SvcId
- SapPortId (index) : .
- SapEncapValue (index) : .
- SapDescription : .
- The IndexValue for this table is field : SvcId.SapPortId.SapEncapValue
- sapIngQosQueueId (index) : .
- sapIngQosQueueStatsOfferedHiPrioOctets : .
- sapIngQosQueueStatsOfferedLoPrioOctets : .
- The IndexValue for this table is field : SvcId.SapPortId.SapEncapValue.SapIngQosQueueId
As you can see, the index value of the Table I'm interested in is made of fields coming from others table.
I would like to present the following table to the operator, with a complete list of sapIngQosQueueStats entries
| svcId | svcType | svcDescription | SapPortId | sapEncapValue | sapDescription | sapIngQosQueueId |
And when the operator select a line in it, it will give him a graph of sapIngQosQueueStatsOfferedHiPrioOctets and sapIngQosQueueStatsOfferedLoPrioOctets related to the selected object.
Based on others post, I've imagined the following xml file, but I'm not sure I've fully understand how it works. I do not have any OID that counts the number of index in the table sapIngQosQueueStats, so I've put # sign.
Any help would be appreciated.
Code: Select all
<name>Alcatel SAP QoS Statistics</name>
<description>Queries list of SAP's Svc monitorable queues</description>
<name>Service index</name>
<name>Interface Name</name>
<name>Service Id</name>
<name>Service Type</name>