Difference between templates and threshold created

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Difference between templates and threshold created

Post by combellm »

I am working with Thold for some weeks and I just notice something.
All my last thresholds created via device / apply threshold have different values than what I expected and asked in the templates!
The only template that have this problem is Cisco router - 5min CPU

For example:
I use the following parrameters:
High Warning Threshold 50
Min Warning Trigger Duration 10 minutes
High Threshold 75
Min Trigger Duration 5 Minutes

And all my last thold entry created have as parameter either the good ones...
Either 25min duration and never triggered!

I really don't get what is happening!

If someone know what could be the issue...
Is there some parameters that are over the ones from templates?
Or maybe a bug in my database...

CACTI 0.8.8a
Thold 0.4.9
Settings 0.71

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