I search through similar posts in this forum for 2 days now, trying to solve my problem, but didn´t succeed.
- No Graphs appear in Cacti
- Technical support page states : "ERROR: Installed RRDTool version does not match configured version.
Please visit the Configuration Settings and select the correct RRDTool Utility Version."
My setup:
OS: Windows Server 2008
Webserver: IIS
Cacti: 0.8.8a
PHP: 5.3.17
RRDTool (Cygwin or Win32 build): 1.4.5
What I did so far:
- Checked "Settings -> Paths" as proposed by the error message - everything fine here.
- Checked RRDTool version via cmd line - it´s 1.4.5
- Checked configured rrdtool version in Cacti - it´s 1.4.x
- Checked access rights on c:\rrdtool\rrdtool.exe - IUSR is allowed to read & execute rrdtool.exe
- Fed the graph debug output into rrdtool.exe on the command line and succesfully generated a png showing a grpah with the collected interface statistics.
- Played a bit with the php code in utilities.php to get more verbose output: after execution of line
Code: Select all
246 : exec(cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option("path_rrdtool")), $out_array);
Maybe I missed something or the permissions on rrdtool or somewhere else are still not correct. Any hint is appreciated ...
Thanks in advance!