This has been working, and I use it quite a lot. However, this morning realtime is just showing "NAN" for all the data in the graphs.
We did run out of disc space yesterday. So I'm ondering if a temp directory (or something) got messed up? Anyone know where realtime writes to disc (or if it does).
There is no clue of anything in the cacti log file.
Looking for other clues.
realtime (0.43) started showing just "NAN" [SOLVED]
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realtime (0.43) started showing just "NAN" [SOLVED]
Last edited by GlueGuy on Sat Dec 29, 2012 9:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Glue Guy
The Glue Guy
Re: realtime (0.43) started showing just "NAN"
Not seeing any errors or anything, I took a stab at just first disabling the realtime plugin, then removing it. I then re-installed it, and re-enabled it.
I think I made it worse. Now I don't even get the graphs.
I think I made it worse. Now I don't even get the graphs.
The Glue Guy
The Glue Guy
Re: realtime (0.43) started showing just "NAN"
Now I'm just getting the empty icon in the realtime display (not even "nan").
So I copied the URL & posted it in a fresh browser window for the realtime graph, and it displays this:
So I copied the URL & posted it in a fresh browser window for the realtime graph, and it displays this:
" ... 1356742122" cannot be displayed because it contains errors.
The Glue Guy
The Glue Guy
Re: realtime (0.43) started showing just "NAN" [SOLVED]
I figured this out in kind of a round about way. I ended up restoring the entire cacti configuration and database from a backup, and still had the same problem.
I decided to "let it go" for a while, and started moving some more up-to-date RRA files from another system (not on the same subnet). In the process I FTP'd the files, and renamed them into the <cacti>/rra directory.
Surprise! those RRAs stopped working too. Debugging them, I discovered that they were getting permission errors, in spite of the fact that the permissions were set to "apache", and RW settings were correct.
That's when I realized that SELINUX was what was getting things broken.
I decided to "let it go" for a while, and started moving some more up-to-date RRA files from another system (not on the same subnet). In the process I FTP'd the files, and renamed them into the <cacti>/rra directory.
Surprise! those RRAs stopped working too. Debugging them, I discovered that they were getting permission errors, in spite of the fact that the permissions were set to "apache", and RW settings were correct.
That's when I realized that SELINUX was what was getting things broken.
The Glue Guy
The Glue Guy
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