Reports - Multiple Data Sources, One Report

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Reports - Multiple Data Sources, One Report

Post by neovox »

My question is in regard to the reportit plugin. Can someone explain how I can generate a report based on multiple data sources?

For instance, I have several devices (routers), for each I am generating graphs for system health such as CPU Utilization, Memory Utilization, etc. When I create a report template, it appears that I can only associate it with a single data source (ie. 5min_cpu). This is ok, as I can create several templates based on the various data sources (5min_cpu, 5min_mem, etc.). However, in the report configurations I don't see a way to apply multiple templates in order to generate a report that contains multiple data sources for each host.

For instance, the result I'm looking for is:

|.............| AVG | MIN | MAX | AVG | MIN | MAX |
| HOST 1 |...#...|...#...|...#...|...#...|...#...|...#...|
| HOST 2 |...#...|...#...|...#...|...#...|...#...|...#...|

The problem I'm having is that Memory and CPU are different data sources and I don't see a way to include them both in the same report.

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Re: Reports - Multiple Data Sources, One Report

Post by browniebraun »

I'm really sorry that this will not be supported so far.
I already planned to release a new version of ReportIt months ago,
but two surgeries and other trouble throw me of track.

Hat das Blümchen einen Knick, war der Schmetterling zu dick! ;)
reportit v0.7.5a
SNMPAgent v0.2.3
Download ReportIt | Download SNMPAgent | ReportIt SVN | ReportIt Templates | Wish list
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Re: Reports - Multiple Data Sources, One Report

Post by neovox »

Thanks for the response. Sorry to hear about your surgeries. Best wishes and looking forward to the new version. Thanks.
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