How to setup Thold with Wireless Equipment, Switches, Router

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How to setup Thold with Wireless Equipment, Switches, Router

Post by ukzerosniper »

Hi Guys,

I would like to setup the Thold plugin to monitor a few bits of equipment.

1. Wireless PTP links. I would like to get an email when the link uses more than 30Mbps data in or out for longer than 2mins.
2. Switches. Same measurement
3. Router WAN ports. I would like be notified when it excedes 75Mbps in or out.

How can I set this up with the Thold plugin. I cannot figure it out at all...

When I try to use "Auto-Create thresholds" button for the WAN port on the router I get an error saying "Either No Template or Threshold(s) Already Exists - No thresholds were created."

I cannot see easily how to setup threshold templates for this type of application.

Could anyone please give me a hand getting to grips with this.

Thanks guys.
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Re: How to setup Thold with Wireless Equipment, Switches, Ro

Post by cigamit »

For Auto Create to work, you would have to create Threshold Templates first. The problem you will run into is that it is going to create the exact same type of threshold for all of those scenarios you posted, since they are all just network links.

You will want to add each threshold manually. So goto Threshold, click Add in the upper right, and select the host / interface you want to alert on.
Then for the threshold, you will need to set the "High Threshold" value that you want. For interface graphs, you have to remember that you can't just put 30 Mbps in there (not unless you do some CDEF magic at least). Instead you have to do the value in bits. 30 * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 3932160 Now if your graph data is stored in bytes / bits, then leave out the / 8.

You should be able to figure out any other specific settings in the threshold from there.
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Re: How to setup Thold with Wireless Equipment, Switches, Ro

Post by ukzerosniper »


Thanks for the reply.

I have created a template. I understand how to create the values now. So all happy with that.

How do I assign a threshold template to a single interface on a device?

I can use the "Auto-create thresholds" button in the hosts create graph screen, however, I just want to have the thresh holds set on specific ports. For example, the wan port on a router or the LAN side of a wireless unit.

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Re: How to setup Thold with Wireless Equipment, Switches, Ro

Post by ukzerosniper »

I have been doing some testing with the Thold main tab open watching the values shown in the "current" column for the WAN port on one of our routers, constantly refreshing the page to see it as soon as it updates (its set to 1min trigger at the moment), at the same time I have been watching the real time graph for the same interface.

The real time graph will show around 40M-60M (bits per second) during the test whilst the Thold current column was showing values as follows on each refresh

If I wanted my warning threshold to be set at 2Mbps, following your previous example I would do the following

2 x 1024 x 1024 x 8 = 16,777,216

when using this I get no threshold alarms at all

Removing the final 8 makes

2 x 1024 x 1024 = 8,097,152

Which still shows no alarms.

What I have noticed is that the number shown in the current column divided by 131,072 (ie 2^17) seems to show a number that seems closer to what I'm expecting to see (but not sure if it's correct/accurate).

For example, using the numbers above

5,430,569.7869 / 131,072 = 41.43Mbps
5,838,155.6833 / 131,072 = 44.54Mbps
6,554,467.2667 / 131,072 = 50.01Mbps
7,435,590.3559 / 131,072 = 56.73Mbps

Sorry if I'm totally getting it wrong here. Could you explain to me how I work out what number to use when setting a threshold if my graph data is in bits per second.

Could you use 2Mbps threshold as the example please.

Thanks for your time and assistance.
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Re: How to setup Thold with Wireless Equipment, Switches, Ro

Post by cigamit »

[My text above should have said / 8, I will correct it]

For instance, thold is showing
32,865.35 in its "current" value.
32,865.35 / 1024 / 1024 * 8 = .25074... Mbps
Now my traffic on this particular interface is pretty small, so I am going to convert it to Kbps to compare it to the graph.
.25074... Mbps x 1024 = 256.760546875 Kbps. The graph is showing 259Kbps which is pretty close since RRDTool is averaging everything out.

So really to figure out what you want to set it to, you work it backwards.
2Mbps * 1024 * 1024 / 8 = 262144

Now, what I really recommend is creating a CDEF so you can enter the number as Mbps and let thold figure out what number that is.
So create a new CDEF called "Traffic", and make sure it ends up looking like this

Then in the threshold template (or an individual threshold if you want to test it out) change the "Data Type" to CDEF and select the "Traffic" CDEF. It may take 1 polling for the numbers to come out correctly. You can now put in 30 in the high threshold if you want to alert on 30 Mbps.
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