We use "thold" plugin and it manage more than 12000 items and we see that the page of thold list, takes more than 10 seconds to display. In a review the code I found a nested loop that can be improved with a LEFT JOIN, this is the new code for the delete_old_thresholds function, on the thold_functions.php file:
Code: Select all
function delete_old_thresholds () {
//$result = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT id, data_id, rra_id FROM thold_data');
$result = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT a.id, data_id, rra_id FROM thold_data a LEFT JOIN data_template_rrd b ON (b.id=a.data_id) WHERE data_source_name is null');
if (sizeof($result)) {
foreach ($result as $row) {
//$ds_item_desc = db_fetch_assoc('select id, data_source_name from data_template_rrd where id = ' . $row['data_id']);
//if (!isset($ds_item_desc[0]['data_source_name'])) {
db_execute('DELETE FROM thold_data WHERE id=' . $row['id']);
db_execute('DELETE FROM plugin_thold_threshold_contact WHERE thold_id=' . $row['id']);