Restoration emails not sent

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Restoration emails not sent

Post by Tolaris »

Hi all,

I have a Cacti 0.8.8a instance, with thold 0.4.9-3. It has been upgraded from 0.8.7g and thold 0.4.3. All thold templates and data were cleared during the upgrade (not by me; they were missing after the upgrade). I recreated them without trouble. However, thold no longer sends "normal / restored" emails when a threshold is cleared.

Syslog shows correct behaviour:

Aug 14 12:10:08 venkman CactiTholdLog[3848]: baal - Used Space - / [hdd_used] went above threshold of 70 with 71.9257 at trigger 1 out of 1 - http://venkman/cacti//graph.php?local_g ... rra_id=all
Aug 14 13:30:08 venkman CactiTholdLog[8472]: baal - Used Space - / [hdd_used] restored to normal with 65.6527 at trigger 0 out of 0 - http://venkman/cacti//graph.php?local_g ... rra_id=all

Cacti log reveals that restoration email isn't being generated:

08/14/2012 12:10:08 PM - THOLD: Alerting is necessary
08/14/2012 12:10:08 PM - THOLD: Preparing to send email
08/14/2012 12:10:09 PM - THOLD: Sending email to 'root@venkman'
08/14/2012 12:10:10 PM - THOLD: Threshold Breached ID: 16 DataTemplate: Host MIB - Hard Drive Space DataSource: hdd_used Type: High/Low Enabled: on Current: 71.9257 High: 70 Low: Trigger: 5 Minutes Warning High: Warning Low: Warning Trigger: Never SentTo: root@venkman

08/14/2012 01:30:08 PM - THOLD: Threshold Breached ID: 16 DataTemplate: Host MIB - Hard Drive Space DataSource: hdd_used Type: High/Low Enabled: on Current: 65.6527 High: 70 Low: Trigger: 5 Minutes Warning High: Warning Low: Warning Trigger: Never SentTo:

In the Threshold template, "Disable Restoration Email" is unchecked. It should generate the email. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Re: Restoration emails not sent

Post by Tolaris »

Well, that was silly. In the Threshold template, "Alert Notification List" means "who to alert when a threshold is alerted". However, "Warning Notification List" means "who to alert when a threshold is warned; when a warning is cleared; or when an alert is cleared".

This needs fixing. Possible solutions:
1. Clarify in the interface.
2. Send restoration emails for alerts to the Alert Notification List
3. Provide separate options for "Alert Restoration Notification List" and "Warning Restoration Notification List".
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Re: Restoration emails not sent

Post by GrL »

I agree that such behavior of restoration emails is counterintuitive.
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