Discovery 1.2a - Hostname change on device not updating desc

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Discovery 1.2a - Hostname change on device not updating desc

Post by jakbeatz »

(I've cross-posted this to Linux/Unix general as I'm not sure if this applies to Cacti proper or the Discovery plugin. Apologies in advance for the extra noise).

Cacti v0.8.7h
PIA v3.0
Discovery Plugin v1.2a

I'm using the discovery plugin to discover new devices on my network, create graphs, graph trees, etc. We're an entirely Cisco shop. Everything works great.

I have changed the hostnames of some devices and the expectation is that it would propagate to the "Description" field for the device based on some setting. That doesn't seem to be happening. Assuming I'm not missing some setting somewhere, is this something that is possible or do I have to go in and manually change them all?

When discovery runs, it runs against a list of IP addresses, SNMP polls the device and at that point, I imagine it would set the Description field based on what SNMP returns for the SNMPv2-MIB::sysName.0 or for that host. I have Rerun Data Queries checked and Create Graphs for Up Interfaces Only checked. I would imagine that if any option was to repopulate the description, it would be the former, but I might be wrong.

I have tried also to run php /var/www/html/cacti/cli/poller_reindex_hosts.php --id=All in hopes that might do it, but alas no.

Am I missing something?
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Re: Discovery 1.2a - Hostname change on device not updating

Post by jakbeatz »


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Re: Discovery 1.2a - Hostname change on device not updating

Post by gandalf »

Yep, discovery polls a range of IPs. It then tries to get the hostname to save such a device. From that time obwards, it looses all memories about the original IP@. So a change in IP@ will never be found. IMHO, that should not be the task of that plugin, it's more DNS related
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